Вставьте соответствующее местоимение. 1. jane has got a dog. is little. 2. jane is teacher . is a good teacher. 3. jack is my friend. is brave. 4. jack and jane are my friends. they like to swim. 5.jack and jane have got a dog. likes to swim.
1. Jane has got a dog. It is little. 2. Jane is teacher . She is a good teacher. 3. Jack is my friend. He is brave. 4. Jack and Jane are my friends. They like to swim. 5. Jack and Jane have got a dog. It likes to swim.
The first task was to create my person. The name I chose was Lynn. That is my middle name. My very common first name was already being used. I chose the teddy bear icon for a couple of reasons. The first is that I like teddy bears. It also didnt give any indication of my physical appearance. Teddy bears often are perceived as cuddly and cute. That is the impression that I wanted people to have of me. The lack of a physical picture leaves the reader to rely on the description that I reveal to them. The reader can only make assumptions about me, based on what I allowed them to see of me. I left the description brief and vague.
Мы любим играть. Обычно в своем дворе. А тут - воскресенье. Вот и решили рвануть в парк. А там- художник. Перед ним - мольберт, на лавочке - краски. Интересно стало, что же он рисует. Оказывается то, что видит : осень. Смешивая разные веселые краски, художник создавал ее " портрет" . Природа на полотне дышала, напевала, говорила. Штрих, еще один. И вот по небу поплыли , побежали серо - голубые облака. Мы не хотели уходить из парка., потому что желали своими глазами увидеть и понять, что такое искусство.Наверное, кто-нибудь из нас обязательно будет художником после такой чУдной встречи с прекрасным.
2. Jane is teacher . She is a good teacher.
3. Jack is my friend. He is brave.
4. Jack and Jane are my friends. They like to swim.
5. Jack and Jane have got a dog. It likes to swim.