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04.11.2021 20:21 •  Английский язык

Перевести! не через переводчик! underground railways the underground railway is the quickest, safest, most reliable and comfortable means of city’s transport. metro can solve the problems of carrying a great number of passengers in large cities as well as the problems of traffic jams, air contamination and noise. however, from the technical point of view the underground railway system is very expensive and complicated constructional work. this system includes subsurface lines, ground based lines and elevated lines. ground based lines are usually used at the terminations of the underground railways. besides the underground and surface structures involve stations, tunnels, escalators, underpasses, ventilation and sanitary engineering as well as a power supply system. the permanent way of underground railways differs from the usual railway track. the sleepers are only 0.9 m long. they are shorter than those of the railroad track which are 2.7 m long. the sleepers of the usual track are laid upon ballast made of broken stone or other materials. the crossties of the underground railway are laid directly on concrete base. it is more expensive but keeps air free from dust. if the ballast were made of slag, gravel, sand or even broken stone, the train would be followed by the dust clouds. all metro trains are powered by electricity. the current is obtained from the third rail. this contact rail is laid along the whole track and transmits the direct current of 825 volts to the train electromotor through the pantograph. the underground carrying capacity depends on the number of coaches, which ranges from 2 to 8 per train and the frequency of train running which ranges from 80 seconds to 8 minutes. nowadays there are underground railways in 80 cities all over the world. the first metro railways lines were constructed in london in 1863. it is the oldest but not the longest underground. new york was the second city to build the subway. the first track was laid in 1868 and nowadays it is the longest metro in the world. the shortest metro line was constructed in turkey. its length is only 600 m but istanbul is very proud of the metropolitan means of traffic.

                                      ПОДЗЕМНАЯ ЖЕЛЕЗНАЯ ДОРОГА
      Метрополитен - самый быстрый, самый безопасный, самый надежный и самый удобный вид городского транспорта. Метро решить проблему перемещения большого количества людей в огромных городах, так же как и проблему дорожных “пробок”, загрязнения воздуха и шума.
      Тем не менее, в техническом плане система подземной ж/д требует очень дорогих и сложных строительных работ. Эта система включает в себя подземные, наземные и эстакадные линии ж/д. Наземные участки метро как правило расположены в конце ж/д линий. Кроме того подземные и наземные части метрополитена включают в себя станции метро, тоннели, эскалаторы, путепроводы, системы вентиляции, санузлы, а также систему энергоснабжения.
      Строение подземной ж/д отличается от наземных ж/д путей. Шпалы у нее всего 0.9 м в длину. Они короче чем у обычной ж/д, у которой их длина составляет 2.7 м. Шпалы наземных путей устанавливают на фундамент из щебня или других материалов. Шпалы же метрополитена кладуться прямо на бетонный фундамент. Это более затратно, но исключает пыль в воздухе. Ведь если бы основа делалась из шлака, гравия, песка или даже щебня, то за поездом тянулись бы облака пыли.
      Все поезда метро питаются от электричества. Ток поступает по третьему рельсу. Этот контактный рельс располагается по всему пути и передает постоянный электрический ток в 825 вольт в электромотор через пантограф поезда. Пропускная метрополитена зависит от количества вагонов, которое варьируется от 2-х до 8-и на поезд и частоту прохождения поездов по станции, которая колеблется в пределах от 80 секунд до 8 минут.
      На текущий момент в 80 городах мира есть метрополитен. Первая сеть подземной ж/д была сооружена в Лондоне в 1863 году. Это самый старый, но не самый длинный метрополитен. Нью Йорк вторым построил метро. Самая первая шпала была установлена в 1868 году, и сейчас это самая длинная подземная ж/д в мире. Самая короткая же линия метро была построена в Турции. Её длина всего 600 м, но Истанбул очень гордо относится к подземным видам транспорта.
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The great Patriotic war of 1941-1945 was one of the most terrible trials that befell the Russian people. Suffering, pain and grief then knocked on every house, touched every family. The war left a huge imprint on the minds of people and had severe consequences for the life of an entire generation. 65 years have passed since the Victory Day. The feat of the Soviet people who won the great Patriotic war and defended the freedom and independence of the Motherland will live for centuries! We, the younger generation, should know and remember what share fell to our great-grandfathers, and who made a decisive contribution to the victory over Nazi Germany. Memory... Human memory preserves and preserves what is no longer there, what has long passed, and reproduces in the mind of former memories. Even the most terrible, the most terrible… Believe me, people, the whole earth needs this memory. If we forget the war, war will come again. War... A cruel word that drains people of strength, but does not break their faith and hope. A war that left only letters from the front, military awards and the very part that still connects us with the past - memory. But over time, the medals are lost, the letters turn yellow, and the memory remains, because it is eternal. The war brought misery and suffering, but it provided outstanding examples of the courage and heroism of ordinary soldiers of the war. Sixty-five times the snow fell and melted. For sixty-five years the Apple trees were in bloom. The main thing for the past sixty-five years was that distant day in may, when the human heart was ready to burst with happiness-Victory! Much water has flowed under the bridge, overgrown trenches, vanished the ashes, a new generation grew up.. We are all waiting for a Great holiday of joy, a holiday of bright memory of the millions who died. For the blue sky overhead, for the pink, tender dawns, for a happy and peaceful childhood, we owe those who in the forty - first and forty-fifth gave their lives to protect our homeland. Those who met the Victory in the greatcoat, who still live near us, whose memory brings us back to all that we experienced - bitter and happy. What were they like in the last days of the war and in the hour when the deafening silence of the world suddenly fell? Back in may, they were young, happy, happy, thinking that they were going home soon, that life was going on. How many people have dreamed of such a quiet moment! My great-grandfather, Nikolai Ivanovich Zemlyanov, was born on February 28, 1914. When the Great Patriotic war began, he was 27 years old. As soon as the German attack on the USSR was announced, men and young boys who had just graduated from school went to apply for courses for pilots, signallers, and tankmen. My great-grandfather, Nikolai Ivanovich Zemlyanov, signed up for a pilot course, was promoted to Lieutenant at the end of the course and joined a flight regiment. For good service and performance of combat missions, Nikolai Ivanovich was appointed commander of the flight squadron. On his account, 35 enemy aircraft were shot down. But he had to serve only two years ( from 1941 to 1942) He was not destined to wait for this sweet moment of VICTORY! By order of the command, Nikolai Ivanovich was sent to the front at Stalingrad. From February 17, 1942 to February 2, 1943, there were fierce battles for the city of Stalingrad. The battle of Stalingrad lasted for two periods of defense and counteroffensive. The first period is from June 17 to September 12. 62 Army, led by General V. I. Chuikov, held back the superior strength and numbers of the German army of General Paulus. On August 23, the enemy broke through to the Volga and cut off the 62nd army from the Stalingrad front. The second period from September 12 to November 18-bloody battles were already in the city itself, for every street, for every house. And from November 19 to February 2-this is the period of counteroffensive. 22 enemy divisions, 160 separate units, 330 thousand people were surrounded by our troops. In the counteroffensive participated

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Что заставляет тебя вставать по утрам? Твой будильник? Твоя шумная младшая сестра? Для Дэниела Миллера на ранчо Пэдлок в Монтане именно любовь к своей работе заставляет его вставать в 4 утра каждое утро, чтобы начать свой день в качестве ковбоя. Каждый день Дэниел съедает ломтик яичницы с тостом и запивает его черным кофе. Он кормит свою собаку, а потом едет через поле к стаду на своей лошади. Он кормит коров, а потом делает всю остальную работу на ранчо до конца дня. Там всегда есть что починить и почистить, и требуется много времени, чтобы закончить их все! У Дэниела не так много свободного времени, и поскольку ближайший сосед живет в 10 милях отсюда, он проводит большую часть своего времени с лошадьми. Он часто приходит к ним и берет их с собой в Нвер. Ковбои-это утомительная работа, которая никогда не заканчивается, так что это не работа для всех, но Дэниел очень доволен своим образом жизни. Он обычно расслабляется вечером с интересной книгой и смотрит, как садится солнце - идеальное завершение тяжелого рабочего дня

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