According to various mysterious sources, the first civilization arose 78000 years ago on the giant continent known as Mu or Lemuria. It had been lasted for amazing 52000 years. The civilization had been destroyed by the earthquake, caused by the shifting of the terrestrial pole which occurred approximately 26000 years ago or in 24000 B.C.
While the civilization of Mu had not reached such a high technology, as other later civilization, but the peoples Mu succeeded in erection of mega-stone buildings, which were able to withstand earthquakes. This construction science has been the greatest achievement of Mu.
Linda got an invitation card while she was playing volleyball at the sport centre. Линда получила приглашение, когда играла в волейбол в спортивном центре.
Marie got an invitation card while she was writing a letter at home. Mэри получила приглашение, когда писала письмо дома.
Pam got an invitation card while she was reading a book.
Пэм получила приглашение, когда читала книгу.
Stuart got an invitation card while he was feeding his cat.
Стюарт получил приглашение, когда кормил своего кота.
Tom got an invitation card while he was playing with his dog.
Том получил приглашение, когда играл со своей собакой.
Luc got an invitation card while he was listening to a CD.
Люк получил приглашение, когда он слушал CD.
Marc got an invitation card while he was taking photos with his a camera. Марк получил пригласительную открытку, когда он делал снимки своим фотоаппаратом.