Task 1 Write sentences. Use the Present Perfect.
1) Annabel has travelled five miles
2) They have listened to the news
3) My friend has left the house
4) His brother has finished the project
5) Olga has sent her e-mail
6) We have started the concert
Task 2 Look at the list. Write sentences with the Present Perfect.
1) I have done my homework
2) I haven't watched TV today
3) I haven't tidied the living-room
4) I have played with my friend today
5) I haven't made my bed
6) I have had a great time
Task 3 Complete the questions and short answers.
1) - Have you installed the alarm system?
- Yes, I have.
2) - Has he turned on the mobile phone?
- No, he hasn't.
3) - Have you checked a stranger's ID?
- Yes, I have.
4) - Have you stolen the tings?
- Yes, I have.
5) - Have the child taken the painkiller?
- Yes, he has (или Yes, she has).
6) - Has the boy left the key on the window?
- No, he hasn't
Task 4 Write the words in the correct order. Use ever and never.
1) Have you ever had a lunch in a rainy weather?
2) Anna and Bob have never had in an aquarium.
3) Have you ever eaten lemon ice-cream?
4) My sister has never seen ghosts.
5) Your parents have never visited a very unique castle.
6) Have you ever been to China?
Task 5 Complete the sentences. Use for and since
1) We have been living in the village for 20 years.
2) He hasn’t been to Samara since 2015
3) They have rented the house for three years.
4) She’s hung out with her friends since morning.
5) The police has run after the burglar for two hours.
6) The children have explored the castle for the weekend.
Inaccessible — недостижимый,
Inaccurate — неточный,
Inadequate — неадекватный,
Incapable — не
Incomplete — незавершенный,
Incredible – невероятный.
injustice - несправедливость
Illegal — нелегальный,
Illegible – нечеткий, неразборчивый,
Illiterate — неграмотный,
Illogical – нелогичный
Irrational — нерациональный,
Irregular — неправильный,
Irrelevant — неуместный,
Irreparable — неисправимый,
Irresistible — неотразимый,
Irresponsible — безответственный,
Irreversible – необратимый.
Immature — незрелый,
Impatient — неспокойный,
Imperfect — неидеальный,
Impossible — невозможный,
Imprecise – неточный.
immortal — бессмертный
improbable — невероятный
impatient — нетерпеливый
imperfect -несовершенный
impolite — невежливый
impurity — нечистота
imprudent — неблагоразумный
Извиняюсь, что если я перечислила не по 10 слов из всех приставок но я очень старалась искать эти слова.
2. She can speak to English.
3. We let them to go there.
4. Don't help her to do it.
5. May I to take your dictionary?
6. He made me to do it.
7. Mother let us to swim in the river.
8. I don't want to see him.
9. We would rather go to home.
10.They wanted to speak to us.
11. Would you like to drink?
12. You had better to take this medicine.
13. They couldn't to find their child.
14. It's time to go for a walk.
15. I'd like to believe you.
16. We were ready to go out.
17. My parents didn't let me to go to that party.
18. Do you like to dance.
19. Would you like to listen to my song?
20. His joke made me to laugh.