1.Kak chasto vy yedite za odnim stolom s roditelyami?
2. Kak chasto vy yedite fast-fud?
3. Kak vy dumayete, polufabrikaty - eto fast-fud?
4. Chto vy znayete o traditsionnoy britanskoy kukhne?
5. Naskol'ko britanskaya yeda otlichayetsya ot yedy v vashey strane?
6. Kak vy dumayete, britanskiye pishchevyye privychki zdorovy?
7. Schitayete li vy, chto privychki k yede v vashey strane zdorovy?
8. Chto vy znayete o vegetarianskoy pishchevoy yede?
9. Kakoye tvoye lyubimoye blyudo?
10. Chto vy obychno yedite na zavtrak, obed i uzhin?
When Kate returned, I was listening to the radio.
When we were doing our project, my sister entered the room.
When my mother came home, I was having dinner.
What were they doing when you saw them?
The young people were dancing when the parents returned home.
They were disscussing the latest news when the telephone rang.
When he was washing the dishes, he broke a plate.
When we were doing our project, my sister entered the room.
My friend was playing with his cat when I came to see him.
When my sister came in, I was doing my homework.
2 did ben climb this mountain last year?
3 did my friend speak English well?
4 did i read letter yesterday?
5 d7d peter write his essay?
6 did ann see this film?
7 did mary has lunch at one o'clock?
8did i watch tv yesterday?
9 did my granny work in the garden?