1. The jumper shank when I washed it.
2. Mike got really exhausted in his first marathon because he had never run such a long race before.
3. The light in the room showed that Mr. Simpson was waiting for me.
4. The Tinanic was travelling to New York when it hit an iceberg and sank in the Atlantic.
5. The footballer was running towards the goal when he fell over.
6. George said that he hadn't decide yet which side to support.
7. I took the decision after I had spoken to him.
8. Bill had been working at the same problem for two hours when Jack phoned him and asked if he solved it.
9. I knew that Nick had boarded with an American family since his arrival and he had learned a great deal about American habits and customs.
10. I found out why my pen friend hadn't got my letters. I'd been sending them to the wrong address!
1. Шел дождь, когда мы вышли из дома, но когда мы добрались до школы он уже прекратился. It was raining when we left home/the house, but when we reached the school it had stopped raining.
2. Когда я пришел в университет узнал, что профессор заболел и его отправили в больницу. When I came to the university I learnt that the professor was ill and he had been sent to hospital.
3. Когда письмо будет отправлено? Как только я исправлю последнюю ошибку. Сегодня я сделала гораздо больше ошибок, чем вчера. When will the letter be sent? As soon as I correct the last mistake. I have made a lot more mistakes today than yesterday.
4. Ему часто приходилось ездить на автобусе не так ли? Это занимало у него слишком много времени. He often had to go by bus, didn't he? It took him too much time.
5. Меня спросили написал ли я уже доклад. Надеюсь, напечатаю его к понедельнику. I was asked if I had already typed/written the report. I hope i'll have typed/written it by Monday.
2. Like
10. Arrive
11. Studies