The national flag of the Republic is a right-angled colored cloth of three horizontal stripes: blue, white and green. Blue is the symbol of the sky and water, which are the main source of life. Mainly blue was the color of the state flag of Temur. White is the traditional symbol of peace and good luck, as Uzbek people say "Ok yul". Green is the color of nature and new life and good harvest. Two thin red stripes symbolize the power of life. There is a new moon, which symbolizes the newly independent Republic. There are twelve stars, which stand for spiritual sign. The stars also signify the historical traditions of the Uzbek people, as well as ancient solar calendar.
The state emblem of the Republic presents the image of the rising sun over a flourishing valley. Two rivers run through the valley, representing the Syrdarya and Amudarya. The emblem is bordered by wheat on the right side and branches of cotton with opened cotton bolls on the left side. The eight-angle star is at the top of the emblem, symbolizing the unity and confirmation of the republic. The crescent and star inside the eight-pointed star are the sacred symbols of Islam. The mythical bird Semurg with outstretched wings is placed in the center of the emblem as the symbol of the national Renaissance. The entire composition aims to express to desire of the Uzbek people for peace, happiness and prosperity.
Уральские Горы
One of the places often visited by tourists is the area of Ural Mountains. They lie in the northwest of the country among two plains. They stretch for more than two thousand km, so it’s going to be difficult to bypass all of it. This rocky system is one of the most scenic in the world. The highest point is Mount Narodnaya, which is almost two thousand meters high. The history of Ural Mountains is old. They appeared around six hundred million years ago. Translated from the Tatar language “Ural” means “stone belt”. The mountains are surrounded by numerous national parks.
Одним из наиболее посещаемых туристами мест является область Урала. Она лежит на северо-западе страны в двух равнинных областях. Она протянулась на две тысячи и более км, так что будет трудно обойти все. Эта скалистая система является одной из самых живописных в мире. Самая высокая точка — гора Народная, которая достигает почти двух тысяч метров в высоту. История Уральских гор берет начало в древности. Они появились около шести сотен миллионов лет назад. В переводе с татарского языка «Урал» означает «каменный пояс». Горы окружены многочисленными национальными парками.