1. rides
2. get in
3. get off
4. go / take
5. buy / get on
6. miss / wait for
7. cross
8. drives
9. go up
10. loses
buy a ticket – купить билет
get in the car – залезть в машину
get off the bus – выходить из автобуса
get on the train – сесть на поезд
go on foot – идти пешком
ride a scooter – ехать на скутере
take a taxi – поехать на такси
cross the road – переходить дорогу
drive to work – ехать на машине на работу
go up the stairs – подняться по лестнице
lose the way – заблудиться
miss the bus – опоздать на автобус
wait for - ждать (что-то/кого-то )
(He has studied English SINCE 2002)
2) How long has she designed websites.
(She has designed websites FOR a long time)
3) How long have I lived in Russia.
(I have lived in Russia SINCE I was born)
4) How long have they been friends.
(They have been friends FOR three years)
5) How long has he worked in the shop.
(He has worked in the shop SINCE he left school)