Past simple
1.Tom was very tired last week – Том был очень уставшим на неделе.
2.We tried to contact their office yesterday, but the line was busy – Мы пробовали связаться с их офисом вчера, но линия была занята.
3.We were at home yesterday – Мы были дома вчера.
4.Alice knocked on the door, then came in – Алиса постучала в дверь, затем вошла.
5.I went to the cinema yesterday – Вчера я ходил в кино.
Past continuos
1.She was doing her makeup while she was talking over the telephone. – Во время разговора по телефону она делала макияж.
2. They were drinking a cup of coffee while they were sitting at that restaurant. – Они пили кофе, когда сидели в том ресторане.
3.We were eating delicious pasta while we were watching a new cartoon. – Мы ели вкусную пасту, когда смотрели новый мультик.
4.I was playing the guitar and Jane was playing along the drum. – Я играла на гитаре, а Джейн подыгрывала мне на барабане.
5.Children were playing games, eating sweets and drinking Cola. – Дети играли в игры, ели сладости и пили колу.
1. He didn’t come to the party because he had a meeting at work yesterday.
2. Why did they wear white suits?
3. When I was young, I spoke very quickly that I didn't even know what I was saying.
4. Last night I read a very interesting and scary story from a book because of which I couldn't sleep at night after that, I was scared.
5. When she was only 2 years old she didn't cry at all.
6. I made a very tasty cake for my whole family that even I had to make it again!
7. We didn't go to the cinema yesterday, because of this he was very angry!
8. Did you spend a letter to Adrian with your name!?
9. They found my photo from my kindergarten, and I was so ashamed to show this photo to my friends.
10. I knew that you weren't at home yesterday, you were with your friend at a party.
гыыы я сам все состовлял.
сори что так поздно, идей не было:/
Как то так