Мнение Анны
Анна — вегетарианка уже на протяжении полутора лет. «Это началось неожиданно», говорит она. «Я просто больше не могла есть мясо. Мне становилось дурно. Я чувствовала себя такой виноватой, что вскоре я перестала есть мясо совсем».
Когда я сказала маме, что я хочу стать вегетарианкой, она сказала: «Нет, нет и еще раз нет». Но я поговорила с отцом, и он одобрил мое решение. Мама свозила меня к доктору, который дал мне один совет, и с тех пор я чувствую себя прекрасно. Я отказалась от мяса, поскольку я считаю, что убивать животных – это неправильно. Кур и индеек — хуже всего, это как убивать домашних питомцев. Я ем яйца и сыр.
Я совершенно уверена в своем решении, и я считаю, что вегетарианство — это более здоровый жизни. Я горжусь собой, потому что переход в вегетарианство — это большое и нелегкое решение. Честно говоря, я не понимаю, как люди могут не чувствовать себя виноватыми, поедая сочный стейк.
Carol Chadbond leant on the counter by the till, chewing gum, and gazed at the customers in the shoe shop. There were only two: a young girl and her mother. They had been A21 trying on (примеряя)shoes for twenty minutes, unable to agree on anything. The girl wanted something expensive and fashionable, A22 while( в то время как) the mother wanted something cheap and practical. Carol watched them argue and thought how bored she was.She wished she hadn't agreed to stand in for Julie on a Saturday morning. She could be out with her friends now, drinking coffee and gossiping instead of waiting for people to A23 make(решат) their minds up . The mother came over with a shoe in her hand.'I wonder if you have this in a size 4,' she said. Carol took the shoe and smiled the automatic smile she A24 reserved (берегла), for customers.I’ll go and have a look. Won't be a minute,' she said and went into the storeroom. She quickly found the shoes, then sat on a stool, hoping to waste a few minutes by A25 pretending (притворяясь)to look for the shoes. She thought about her plans for that evening. She was looking forward to going to the cinema and seeing her favourite actor's latest film. Realising that she hadn't invited Amy, she got out her mobile and quickly dialled the number. It rang twice before Amy answered.'Hi, it's me!' Carol said. 'Guess what? I'm at work. Listen, what are you doing later?'Soon, Amy was telling Carol all about what had happened the night before and who had said what to whom. Forgetting where she was, Carol got more and more A26 involved (все больше увлеклась)in the conversation, crying 'Really?' and 'I don't believe it!' at the more interesting moments in the story. A low cough came from the door of the storeroom. Carol looked up to see the woman customer standing there with a very annoyed A27 look(выражением) on her face. Even worse, the shop manager, Mrs Lewis, was standing right behind her.'Erm ... I'll call you back,' Carol said into the phone, and hung A28 up (положила трубку(закончила беседу)). Somehow, she had the feeling that she might not have to work the following Saturday morning.
2. The road is wide, is not it?
3. this Queen lived in London in the (18th) eighteenth century
4. I don't like the sounds of this music.
5. last year my friend was in London. He saw a monument to Queen Victoria
6. this cute little house is a wonderful place to live, isn't it?
7. Let's sit down for this square table
8. On that high tower there is a clock and a bell