1. Dorothy put a little oil on The Tin-man’s
so that he could speak.
Dorothy told The Tin-man about the wonderful witch who could give him a heart
2. Dorothy told The Tin-man about the wonderful
who could give him a heart.
Important to know!
While reading, pay attention to the details of the text.
1. Dorothy put a little oil on his mouth so that he could speak. (We speak with the help of a mouth )
2. Dorothy told the Tin-man about the wonderful wizard who could give him a heart. (According to the story the wizard could give him a heart).
1) mouth
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Я могу сказать, что тебе делать. Возьми лимон, мёд и немного кипятка. Смешай. Выпей, пока ещё горячий. Пей это шесть раз в день и тебе будет лучше. И не мёрзни!