People have been doing sports since time immemorial years. olympic games have been a popular entertainment early in the century. today we still want to do sport and exactly extreme sports getting more and more popular. so what are people think about extreme sports? in my opinion, sport is a part of our life and extreme sport s help people in different situations. first of all, it determines a character. consequently each person becomes more confident, trying to use your head before actions. secondly, extreme sports prepare people to get over hazards. as a result, person can get by any disasters. finally, this sport not only develops character, but and helps healthy from illnesses such as cold, flu anуd so on. on the other hand, some people believe that extreme sport is rather a dangerous kind of sport, because everyozne can broke any part of body. only specially trained people should do this sport. вот держи,только могут быть небольшие ошибки,исправишь
Мам: эндрю энд роуз, итс найн оˈклок. итс тайм ту гоу ту бед. роуз: оу, ноу мам. ай доунт уонт ту гоу ту слип. ай уонт ту плей бол. эндрю: ай доунт уонт ту гоу ту слип. ай уонт ту рид май бук. мам: ноу, ю маст гоу ту бед эт найн оˈклок. роуз, пут ё найс бол инту зэ бокс,. эндрю, пут ё бук он зэ тейбл. эндрю: ай доунт уонт слип. роуз: ай донт уонт ту гоу ту бед. мам: эндрю! роуз! гоу ту бед энд зен. ican тел ю эбaут тайни. эндрю: окей. роуз: зэтс грейт! мам: бат доунт фогет ту клин ё тис энд уош ё хэндз, фейс энд иарс. роуз энд эндрю гоу ту бед эт найн оклок. зеэ мам уонтс ту тел зем эбaут тайни.
1. Never walk alone late in the evening or late at night.
2. Never speak first to strangers in the streets.
3. If you see strange people - choose another way.
4. Be calm. Don't be nervous. Don't show you are afraid of the stranger.
5. Never brandish any attractive or expensive things to strangers.
6. Don't shout and don't make noise in the street; don't switch on loud music.
7. Follow the traffic rules.
Don't take a lift if the driver is a stranger.
8. Avoid having conflicts with drunk people.
9. You cannot walk large dogs without a muzzle, a leash. - Нельзя выгуливать больших собак без намордника, поводка.
10. Don't litter and don't spit on the pavement in the street!
(Don't throw rubbish in the street!)
11. Tell the parents where and with whom you are going.
12. Cross the road at “zebra” crossings!
(Look left and right before crossing the road)
13. Cross the road under green lights!
14. Don't cross the road under red lights!
15. Don’t eat any food or drinks!