Neither breakfast nor its preperation usually takes much time. In Russia it’s not common to eat much for breakfast. A usual breakfast could include an omelette, sandwiches, corn flakes or something like that. But of course there are some traditional Russian dishes. For example sirniki. Sirniki is made from dough containing lots of cottage cheese and fried on a pan. They are usually served with sour cream and sugar. Blini and blinchiki are other common morning meals. Blini are practically the same as English pancakes. In Russia they are served with butter and sugar. Blinchiki are very thin blini. Of course they are made from other dough. The thinner the blinchiki are, the tastier they are. Besides there are blinchiki with stuffing. There is a plenty of different stuffing. For example blinchiki with cottage cheese, meat, jam. If you are in Russia on Maslenica (Shrovetide, Shrove Tuesday) you can try different kinds of blinchiki because on that holiday blinchiki are considered to be the main and necessary dish. Try blinchiki with caviar - the posh variant of the course. Russians really love caviar and serve it on many holidays.
I am fond of sports. Sports make us stronger and healthier. Many people do sports, so do I. I like to swim in the swimming pool and in the sea in the summer. I also like badminton and volleyball. Cycling is another favourite sport of mine. There are also mental sports, chess for example. Chess games improve the work of our brain, so this game is very useful too. In winter I prefer skiing. It is very good to ski in the fresh winter air. But we must remember that any sport is good if you practise it regularly.
1. Отметь части ситуации. Здесь есть 2 варианта, в которых ты не нуждаешься. 1) Погода прекрасная и солнечная 2) Идет дождь 3) Они сказали что этим вечером может быть метель 4) Сегодня по настоящему ветренно 5) Смотри! На улице очень много снега 6) Погода собирается быть жаркой и знойной
А) Ты останешься снаружи? В) Мы собираемся пойти на речку С) Я возьму с собой дождевик(плащ) D) Это прекрасный день для катания на коньках Е) Ты действительно собираешься играть в бадминтон? F) Пойдем кататься на лыжах? G) Я полью цветы Н) Мы идем на пикник
Тут очень жарко Да, я вижу облака Думаешь, пойдет дождь? Какая сегодня погода? Дай мне мой зонтик