Many people like to have animals at home. We call them pets. People can have cats, dogs, parrots or hamsters as pets. We must care about them and love, I have a cat, Tommy, and a dog, Blacky. They are funny. I like to play with them. I love them very much.
Многие люди любят держать дома животных. Мы называем их домашними любимцами. Люди держат котов, собак, попугаев или хомячков. Мы должны любить их и заботиться о них. У меня есть кот Томми и собака Блэки. Они забавные. Мне нравится с ними играть. Я очень их люблю.
How Do Russians Spend Their Holidays? Sometimes Russian spends summer holidays at home or stays at the dacha, travel inside Russia and go to the country’s resorts. Half of the people say that they are not often happy with their holidays because they can’t spend them at the place they want or don’t have enough time or money for good holidays. Younger people have a tendency to spend their holidays in foreign countries, while older people prefer the beaches or stay at home. Most people organize their holidays themselves and other go to travel agencies. During their holidays people prefer to go out on excursions or laze about on the beach. Some Russians prefer activity holidays. They may go backpacking to the mountains, stay in a tent, sing songs around a campfire. Every fourth Russian likes backpacking and camping holidays. Russian schoolchildren have three months summer holidays.
1 I didn't go to school yesterday. 2 I ran in the park yesterday . 3 I didn't eat an apple yesterday. 4 I had a parrot yesterday. 5 I didn't read a book yesterday. 6 I wrote a letter to my granny yesterday. 7 I drank green tea yesterday. 8 I saw my friend at the party yesterday. 9 I gave a magazine to my sister yesterday. 10 I didn't meet your uncle at the cinema yesterday. 11 I began reading an interesting fairytale yesterday. 12 I didn't forget to take an umbrella yesterday. 13 I was at the circus yesterday. 14 I didn't do my homework yesterday.
Many people like to have animals at home. We call them pets. People can have cats, dogs, parrots or hamsters as pets. We must care about them and love, I have a cat, Tommy, and a dog, Blacky. They are funny. I like to play with them. I love them very much.
Многие люди любят держать дома животных. Мы называем их домашними любимцами. Люди держат котов, собак, попугаев или хомячков. Мы должны любить их и заботиться о них. У меня есть кот Томми и собака Блэки. Они забавные. Мне нравится с ними играть. Я очень их люблю.