1.The pupils have written a dictation.
2. My friend has helped me to solve a difficult problem.
3. I've learnt a poem.
4. She's told them an interesting story.
5. Kate has swept the floor.
6. The waiter has put a bottle of lemonade in front of him.
7. I've eaten my breakfast.
8. We've drunk water.
9. He has brought some meat and vegetables.
10. You've put the dishes on the table.
11. They've had tea.
12. She has taken the dirty plates from the table.
13. The children have put on their coats.
1. John has written his name.
2. I've drawn a picture.
3. Tom has blown out the light.
4. The cat's drunk its milk.
5. The tree has fallen across the road.
6. John has given his bicycle to his brother.
7. You've made a mistake.
8. We've eaten our dinner.
9.The train has just gone.
10. I've just told the answer.
11. George has never been in Australia.
12. John and Richard have just gone away.
13. The baker has sold all his cakes.
14. I've read this book.
1. I've bought some new shoes.
2. No, he has went to work.
3. Have you done the shopping?
4. I've lost it.
5. Somebody has broken that window.
6. Have you painted it?
7. Somebody has taken it.
8. Where has she gone?
9. No, thanks. I've read it.
ответ:Даниель Дефо (1660-1731) АНГЛИЙСКИЙ РОМАНИСТ И ЖУРНАЛИСТ больше известен как автор Робинзона Круза (1719г) история о человеке потерпевшем кораблекрушение 1 на острове . Среди других работ радости и горести знаменитой Моль Флендерс (1722г) Дневник чумного года Капитан Джек (1722г) . В 1724г-ду появилась последняя его работа худож-нной литературы - Роксана Дефо вошел в политику торговлю и путишествие по всей Европе . В 1684 г он жени лся на Мери Таффли у них было 2 сына и 5 дочерей (абзац) 28 июня когда я проснулся после двухдневного сна я чувствовал себя свежо поэтому я встал и решил подготовиться к грядущей ночи .
Объяснение:Там еще много это все что перевела .