My favourite sportsmanRaúl is a great player in the history of Real Madrid. He began his career at Atlético de Madrid. He is the footballer who scored more goals in the history of football and he holds the record for most games played. He was captain for three years and now he plays as alternate. It is a position that he accepts with dignity. When he retires he could be a president or a coach of his team.
I hope you are well. I want to tell you about my hobbies and interests. During the week, I my homework in the evenings and after that I watch TV. I like watching sitcoms and reality shows but I don't really like talk shows. Sometimes my friends come around and we watch a DVD. At the weekend, I do some sports. On Saturday morning, I play football with the school team and in the afternoon I go shopping. I always go to the cinema with friends on Saturday night. On Sunday I relax at home and read a book or instead I go cycling. Tell me what you like doing in your next email
Власне.Як і де краще вивчати англійську мову?Щоб знати її добре. Достатньо добре, щоб вільно спілкуватись і читати.Особливо якщо, скажімо, є перспектива поїхати в англомовну країну, то як краще вчити мову:самотужки, обклавшись аудіо-відео записами, словниками і т д і т п, з репетитором (якщо так, то де його толкового знайти),на курсах (на яких саме? конкретно).Зараз мої знання англійської - це звичайний шкільний рівень, я б сказала нижче середнього. А може й низький...Друзі!дуже порадити мені з ВЛАСНОГО досвіду як краще?І , можливо, хтось знає конкретних осіб, чи курси, які змогли б до в цьому.Сподіваюсь на ваші поради і підтримку!Дякую...
He began his career at Atlético de Madrid. He is the footballer who scored more goals in the history of football and he holds the record for most games played.
He was captain for three years and now he plays as alternate. It is a position that he accepts with dignity.
When he retires he could be a president or a coach of his team.