Обращаю внимание-кол-во ингредиентов указанно на 1 порцию! Итак яйцо(яйца) растираем с сахаром. Добавляем ванилин, соль, несколько капель лимонного сока, перемешиваем. Добавляем творог и перемешиваем до однородной констенции. Добавляем манку и снова перемешиваем, затем переливаем в селеконовые формочки. Ставим в микроволновку на максимальную мощьность(1000ВТ) на 3мин. Далее, не открывая дверцу микроволновки, даём почти готовому пудингу "отдохнуть" 2 мин. Потом готовим ещё 2мин. при той же мощности. Подаём в тёплом или холодном виде, полив ягодным сиропом или соусом Удачи
Life today seems to be much better than 50 years ago. It became much easier to do many basic things. For example, people don't have to wash clothes without a washing machine. There is a microwave, a vacuum cleaner, a dishwasher, an electric cooker almost in every house. Modern technology has fully changed our lives to the better. Fifty years ago people couldn't even imagine that household chores would be done by smart appliances. To think only, they didn't know that computers would instantly send messages, take photos, or allow making video calls. Nobody had cell phones back then. On the one hand, it might have been difficult to live without these gadgets. On the other hand, children were much happier without cell phones and hand-held computers. My grandparents often tell me about their childhood and youth. They say it was a happy time and people were different.People of their generation weren't commercially-minded at all. Our generation lives at the era of consumerism. We don’t value things and clothes that much. When we break or spoil something, we go to the store and easily buy a new one. My grandmother tells that she could wear the same pair of shoes for ten years and more, while I want to buy new shoes almost every season. Women’s rights have also been modified. Fifty years ago they were supposed to be diligent housewives. Today women are seen at many high positions. They can be leading lawyers, politicians, financiers, top managers and superintendants. Another modern step forward is the development of travel opportunities. It has become faster, cheaper and more convenient to travel from one country to another. It is beneficial nearly for everyone: international students, curious adults, international commerce and trade, etc.
Вопросительная форма: Is the USA one of the most highly developed States? Отрицательная форма: The USA isn't one of the most highly developen states. Вопросительная форма: Has it 5% of the world's population? Отрицательная форма: It hasn't 5% or the world's population. Вопросительная форма: Is the manufacture of transportation equipment includes motor vehicles, aircraft and space equipment? Отрицательная форма: Manufacture isn't of transportation equipment includest motor vehicles, aircraft and space equipment.
Итак яйцо(яйца) растираем с сахаром.
Добавляем ванилин, соль, несколько капель лимонного сока, перемешиваем.
Добавляем творог и перемешиваем до однородной констенции.
Добавляем манку и снова перемешиваем, затем переливаем в селеконовые формочки.
Ставим в микроволновку на максимальную мощьность(1000ВТ) на 3мин.
Далее, не открывая дверцу микроволновки, даём почти готовому пудингу "отдохнуть" 2 мин. Потом готовим ещё 2мин. при той же мощности.
Подаём в тёплом или холодном виде, полив ягодным сиропом или соусом