1.) As for me, I'm for a school uniform, because when you wear some formal clothes it makes you more organized and concentrated. Besides, It's easier to wear the same clothes every day, because you needn't make a choice. (Что касается меня, я за школьную форму, т.к. когда человек носит формальную одежду, это делает его более организованным и сконцентрированным. Кроме того, легче носить одну одежду каждый день, т.к. не нужно делать выбор.)
2. I think students should wear a school uniform at school. Boys should wear dark trousers, a light shirt and a waistcoat. Girls should wear a dark skirt and a light blouse. (Я думаю, что ученики должны носить форму в школу. Мальчики должны надевать темные брюки, светлую рубашке и жилет. Девочки должны носить темную юбку и светлую блузку.)
Объяснение:грамматика и все дела
The most beautiful and wonderful city it is Brisbane.
It is the third largest cool city after Sydney and Melbourne
Today the town is a curious mixture of modern megapolis with a colonial city.The architecture combines the spires of Victorian churches with palm trees, before facades skyscrapers
Around the city there was an extensive parks, where you can safely take a walk or read a book.
In the vicinity of you can find a lot of zoos and reserves, which, particularly, will be interesting to children. Here you are allowed to feed the different kinds of kangaroos, from the very small to the very large, which is always very friendly and always happy to hear.
Brisbane is a beautiful tropical city, but it is usually overlook. Here rarely stopped for more than one or two nights, as all at once sought to resort gold Coast located a 2-hour drive on the highway to the South. Usually in Brisbane stop for two reasons - a business trip or transit.
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