1)Which of the two cities has a large port. 2)Which president was the rst in the white house. 3)Which of the following is the odd one out. 4)Which prefix is used in scottish family names. 5)To know which side one's bread is buttered. 6)What is a nice boy! 7)What is the weather like today? 8)What are you doing now? 9)Which window is open? 10)Which day does the maid come? 11)Which book do you want to buy? 12)What is your name? 13)What do you mean?
Я хожу в общеобразовательную школу, где мальчики и девочки учатся вместе. В моей школе много клубов, не только спортивных. Там открыли языковой клуб, и моя классная учительница недавно открыла клуб, в котором специалисты обучаю нас драме, музыке, креативному письму и рисованию. Сейчас, благодаря всем этим клубам, больше учеников заинтересовываются учебой, и школа стала лучше. В школе также есть хорошие лаборатории и библиотека. В школе я люблю не только все ее оснащение, главное – это учителя. То как они нас обучают и с нами обращаются. Если тебя «награждают» за хорошую работу, ты чувствуешь себя лучше и лучше относишься к школе.
1) 1.Do most English and Americans understand each other quite easily? 2.How do most English and Americans not understand each other? 3.Do most English and Americans or English and Russians not understand each other quite easily? 4. Most English and Americans don't understand each other quite easily, do they? 2) 1. Do we usually translate two texts a week? 2. How many texts dowe usually translate a week? 3. Do we usually translate two or five texts a week? 4. We usually translate two textsa week,don't we? как-то так =)
2)Which president was the rst in the white house.
3)Which of the following is the odd one out.
4)Which prefix is used in scottish family names.
5)To know which side one's bread is buttered.
6)What is a nice boy!
7)What is the weather like today?
8)What are you doing now?
9)Which window is open?
10)Which day does the maid come?
11)Which book do you want to buy?
12)What is your name?
13)What do you mean?