Many people in our history influenced a lot, one of them, for example Charles Darwin. Naturalist Charles Darwin established the theory of evolution. He began forming his ideas when he served as official naturalist on a world voyage on HMS Beagle (1831 – 36) and spent the rest of his life back in England developing them. When his famous book The Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selections was published in 1859, there were violent reactions against it. Darwin challenged the Bible’s account of creation and explained that human beings are descended from an ape-like ancestor. Another English naturalist, Alfred Russell Wallace, independently developed very similar ideas at the same time as Darwin.
2. told me not no surf the net after midnight
3. if I would come to the meeting
4. you are (were) hungry-в исходном предложении не хватает глагола.
5. why he hadn't told the truth the other day