Do you send an invitation to you friend? (да, я посылала приглашение своему другу) - do you like to get present? ( да, я люблю получать подарки) - what present do you like to get? (я люблю получать книги и сладости) только не через переводчик
Голубой цвет,для всех нас самого раннего детства,это просто два слова,но ни кто не задумывался о его значении.Мне кажется голубой,ассоциируется с небом и водой,спокойствием.Иногда,когда я остаюсь наедине с собой,у меня в голове возникают картины с оттенками голубого.Поэтому мне и нравится этот цвет! На английском: Blue color,for all of us early childhood,it's just two words,but no one thought about its meaning.I think blue is associated with sky and water,calm.Sometimes,when I stay alone,I have in my head there are paintings with shades of blue.That's why I like this color!
n Cowny, which is one of the prettiest and 1most popular tourist towns in North Wales, you can find 2..the.. smallest house in Great Britain. The house is only about two metres wide. In fact, it's only 3... as ..big a small bus. There's hardly any furniture and it wouldn't be comfortable 5.enough.. for most people to live in. Surprisingly, its last owner, Robert Jones, was 1.9 metres tall! He couldn't stand up in the rooms because he was 6..too... tall, and the ceilings weren't hight 7..enough. Conwy is also famous for its thirteenth-century castle, which is older 8.. than the town itself. There are two bridges near the castle - a suspension bridge, built in 1826, and a 9 new modern railway bridge.
2. Yes, I do. I like to get presents very much.
3. I like to get books and candies.