With the establishment of Kyivan Rus' (the 9th century), Kyiv became its capital. Prince Volodymyr the Great (980—1015) expanded the city. Kyivan Rus' was at its zenith under the rule of Prince Yaroslav the Wise (1036—1054). Monasteries were established and developed into centres of education. Close to 400 churches were built, the most famous of which, Saint Sofia's Cathedral (1037), has survived to this day. The first library was founded on the grounds of the Cathedral.
Today Kyiv is one of the greatest ancient European cities, rich in the monuments of art and architecture. It is a political, scientific, cultural, sports, and industrial centre of modern Ukraine.
Kyiv is one of the main industrial centres that includes companies specializing in electronics, engineering, aviation, food, and chemical production, and many more. Kyiv's economic development has been enriched by its advantageous location along the Dnipro River, which links Kyiv to the Black Sea.
The city has many hotels, cafes, and restaurants with Ukrainian, European, American, and Eastern cuisine to accommodate tourists and businessmen. Stadiums, tennis courts, swimming pools, and gyms are also available for you. If you visit Kyiv late in May, you will witness a beautiful festival called "The Days of Kyiv". You are welcome to Kyiv - the capital city of Ukraine.
На инглише:My friends are the best. They are very funny, cute, funny, beautiful. I really like them to walk, play, chat. They will come to the rescue when I feel bad. They always remember me, you can share with them anything. They may laugh when you do not have fun. They are the best in the world! I do not want to lose them! THEY ARE THE BEST!
Перевод:Мои друзья самые лучшие. Они очень веселые, милые, смешные, красивые. Мне с ними очень нравится гулять, играть, общаться. Они придут на когда мне плохо. Они всегда помнят обо мне, С ними можно делиться чем угодно. Они могут рассмешить, когда не весело. Они самые лучшие на свете! Я не хочу их терять! ОНИ ЛУЧШИЕ!