Present Simple
The film isn't produced by him.
Is the film produced by him?
Present Continuous
The film isn't being produced by him.
Is the film being produced by him?
Present Perfect
The film hasn't been produced by him.
Has the film been produced by him?
Past Simple
The film wasn't produced by him.
Was the film produced by him?
Past Continuous
The film wasn't being produced by him.
Was the film being produced by him?
Past Perfect
The film hadn't been produced by him.
Had the film been produced by him?
Future Simple
The film won't be produced by him.
Will the film be produced by him?
b) Andy bought a computer five days ago since it was her birthday.
c) The teachers talked about Mary yesterday being that she received good marks for the progress check.
d) The dress looked nice due to the fact it made by really professional. ( pro )
e) The bird(s) flew away to the south because autumn comes.
f) Liza made a soft toy last Sunday in order to give it to her younger sister.
g) Dad watched a comedy swow on TV-set yesterday evening to laugh after his long tiring working day.