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14.05.2023 01:42 •  Английский язык

Переведите на .1. так уж случилось, что деньги меня не интересуют. 2. так случилось, что в середине лекции доктор соммервилл остановился и взглянул в окно. 3. с первого упоминания о длинном джоне я боялся, что он может оказаться тем самым одноногим моряком, за которым я так долго наблюдал на постоялом дворе. 4. казалось, что со времени их последней встречи клайд не думал ни о ком другом, кроме сондры. 5. по всему было видно, что клайд забыл о своем обещании проводить свободные вечера с робертой. 6. оказалось, что она отличная артистка, 7. однажды случилось так, что заяц встретился с черепахой. 8. казалось, что черепаха ползет медленно. 9. оказалось, что заяц проиграл состязание в беге. 10. казалось, что аппарат в отличном состоянии. 11. похоже, что вы нашли в нем нечто, чего я не заметил. 12. кажется, эта работа займет много времени, 13. операция казалась сложной. 14. похоже, что новые методы работы эффективны. 15. процентное содержание угля в этой стали оказалось низким. 16. оказалось, что ирвинг высокий бледнолицый парень. 17. оказалось, что его контора расположена на одной из отдаленных (от центра) улиц. 18. он оказался идеальным человеком.

1. It just so happens that money does not interest me. 2. It so happened that in the middle of the lecture Dr. Somerville paused and looked out the window. 3. From the first mention of Long John I was afraid that he could be the one-legged sailor, for which I watched so long at the Inn. 4. It seemed that since their last meeting, Clyde was not thinking about anyone else except Sondra. 5. It was obvious that Clyde forgot his promise to spend free evenings with Roberta. 6. It turned out that she's a great actress, 7. Once it so happened that the Hare met the Tortoise. 8. It seemed that the Turtle crawls very slowly. 9. It turned out that the Hare lost the race. 10. It seemed that the unit is in excellent condition. 11. It seems that You have found in him something I hadn't noticed. 12. I think this job will take much time 13. The operation seemed complicated. 14. It seems that the new working methods are very effective. 15. The percentage of coal in this steel was very low. 16. It turned out that Irving high paleface boy. 17. It turned out that his office is located in one of the remote (center) streets. 18. He was the perfect man.
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Sholpan nurumova  nei «economic lyceum» expo-2017 -discover kazakhstan it seems to me it is a common knowledge that international specialized exhibitions "expo", which have a long history, are conducted to demonstrate the technical and technological advances, as well as the history, traditions and culture of the participating countries.  it goes without saying, that they are the biggest events, which attract the attention of the world community and millions of visitors. in addition the exhibitions "expo" serve as a place for creating the new trends in economic, social and cultural development.  all nations of the world show their best technological, scientific and cultural achievements at these exhibitions. they form a new agenda of global development. such events are visited by millions of people from dozen of countries, presenting all continents.  it is no coincidence that according to the results of voting for the right to host the international specialized exhibition "expo-2017" kazakhstan, astana was chosen. i think that our victory in the acute competition is not accidental. firstly, it is the recognition of the capital as the center; which is ready to hold the event of the world rank. secondly, the choice in favor of kazakhstan says the appreciation of success of our state and highlights the prospects for its development, and the whole of eurasia. thirdly, the victory is supported by the relevance of our proposed topic "energy for the future."  from my point of view during the years of independence, kazakhstan has had the significant structural reforms, aimed at the gradual establishment of a market economy, based on a private property and a free competition. there is no doubt that we have proved that kazakhstan is a state with a steadily growing economy.  we must admit that kazakhstan is rich in natural resources, which allow it to get into the group of 10 richest countries of the world in this category. i would especially like to note the unique geographical location of kazakhstan between the dynamically developing markets of europe, east and south-east asia. our state has been playing also a great role in shaping the global transport system.  in conclusion, i would like to stress that holding «expo-2017" in kazakhstan, in the ongoing financial crisis, the reduction of markets, increased competition in the framework of the customs union, common economic space (ces) and the forthcoming accession to the world trade organization (wto), meets the huge tasks of forced industrialization set by the head of our state. in my opinion industrialization with emphasis on high-tech and innovative sectors of the economy will reveal the creative potential of kazakhstan. it also gives the impetus to the innovative development of the country, increases competitiveness, technological modernization of industry, as well as provides energy and environmental security.
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Спорт важен для нашей жизни. Он хорош для здоровья. Люди занимаются разными видами спорта: футбол, гимнастика, бег, лыжи, баскетбол, сноубординг, плаванье, бокс, поездки на велосипеде, хоккей. Новабей полон фитнесс клубов, спортивных центров и бассейнов, потому что они хотят быть стройными. Все пожилые люди любят прогулки и заниматься йогой. Только молодёжь занимается боевыми искусствами, такими как карате, дзюдо. Много людей занимаются спортом в свободное время и они не любят смотреть спорт по телевизору. Школьники в нашей стране любят гулять, кататься на велосипедах, футбол и бадминтон. Все школьники и школьницы ходят в спортивные секции в их школах.
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