Нужно составить диалог. предложите г-ну грину сесть; спросите его о его самочувствии, выразите сожаление по поводу того, что стоит плохая погода и г-н грин простудился, предложите ему чашку кофе. спросите, не нужно ли послать ему врача.
- Good morning, Mr Green. - Good morning, Mr Brown. - We are glad to see you in our office. Sit down, please. Would you like some tea or coffee? - No, thanks. I have a terrible sore throut, so i can hardly swallow. - That`s a pity. It is not a surprise, the weather was awful yesterday. - Yes, you`re right. Have my documents been prepared? - Certainly. You could take them in a minute. Shall i call the doctor? - Don`t worry, everything is alright. Thank you.
Бен; наносить ущерб; уничтожить; беспокоить; Окружающая среда; стакан; вместо; загрязняют; защиты; перерабатывать; уменьшить; повторное использование; испортить; бросить; Дикая жизнь;1) природа. Позаботьтесь о 2) Всегда ставьте мусор в мусорном , потому что мусор округу.3) газеты, и пластиковые бутылки, металлические банки и. Переработка загрязнения.4) Не выбрасывайте вещи, если вы можете им.5) Не воды. Не мусор в водоем.6) Никогда не рисовать или писать на деревьях. Это будет им.7) Цветет выбирая их. Дальше сама
Do you like to go to the park? Why do you like to go there? What games can you play there? Can you ride a horse there? Can you play with the ball there?What games do you like to play in the park? What games does your friend like to play? Is it fun to play with your friends in the park? B -- a/ We can play tag, hide-and-seek, leapfrog and hopscotch there. b/ No, we can’t. c/ Yes, we can. d/ Oh, yes, it is. e/ My friend likes to play hide-and-seek. f/ Yes, I do. g/ I like to play with my friends there. h/ I like to play leapfrog in the park.
- Good morning, Mr Brown.
- We are glad to see you in our office. Sit down, please. Would you like some tea or coffee?
- No, thanks. I have a terrible sore throut, so i can hardly swallow.
- That`s a pity. It is not a surprise, the weather was awful yesterday.
- Yes, you`re right. Have my documents been prepared?
- Certainly. You could take them in a minute. Shall i call the doctor?
- Don`t worry, everything is alright. Thank you.
Ну, примерно так.