This book is interesting. Is this book interesting? This book is interesting,isn`t it? Is this book interesting or boring? What kind of book is this?
My sister goes to school. Does my sister go to school? Does my sister or brother go to school? My sister goes to school,doesn`t she? Who goes to school?
My friend finished school two years ago. Did my friend finish school two years ago? My friend finished school two years ago,didn`t he? Who finished school two years ago? Did my friend finish school three or two years ago?
1. My favourite animal is the owl. I love owls because they’re beautiful. Owls have got wings, short tails, and big, round heads. They’ve also got large eyes, sharp beaks, and a lot of soft feathers. They’re usually brown or white. Owls are 20-30 cm long and their wings are 50-70 cm wide.Owls live in trees. They sleep during the day and hunt for food at night. They eat small animals, especially mice, and large insects. They can fly in silence and they can also hear very well. They can catch small animals in total darkness. 2. This big animal comes from the cat family. It lives in Asia. It’s about a metre tall, 2.5 metres long and it weighs 300 kilograms. It’s very fast and it can jump and swim very well. It’s got very strong teeth and it kills other animals for food. This animal is in danger. People kill it for it’s beautiful striped fur. 3. This animal lives in the bamboo forests in China. It walks on four legs and it can climb trees. It’s got big eyes and big black ears. It’s about 1.5 metres long and it weighs 100 kilograms. It eats bamboo. When it eats, it sits down and uses its front paws to hold the bamboo. Sadly, the bamboo forests are getting smaller and there isn’t enough food for this animal. 4. This animal lives in warm waters, for example in the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea. It’s about 2.5 metres long. It uses its fins and tail to swim at 36 kilometres an hour, and it can jump 3 metres out of the water. It lives in a friendly group and all the group ‘talk’ to each other. This animal is in danger in some places because of pollution in the seas. 5. My favourite pet is my dog. His name is Larry. He is white with a bit of brown. He has long fur and a short tail. He is very cute and funny. When he hears my voice his tail is wagging. He likes eating meat, cakes and even chocolate. He lives in our house. All my family likes to play with him. Larry loves to run in the fields. He often follows me around the house with a small ball in his teeth and drops it on my foot, so I will kick it. Larry takes care of me. If someone approaches me, he starts to bark. But he never bites. All these reasons show why I really love my wonderful dog Larry.
У китов есть кожа. Их кожа серого или черного цвета. Под кожей у них находится много жира. Из этого жира делается масло. Это масло используется для таких целей, как производство мыла и изготовление горючего для ламп. У некоторых китов масло находится в голове. Это масло ценно. От 114 до 228 литров масла может быть найдено в головах некоторых китов. Серый кит.Это кит известен благодаря своим долгим миграциям. Их главное место размножения находится рядом с берегами Мексики, но лето он проводит на границе Северного Ледовитого Океана, в 10 000 километров оттуда. В отличие от многих больших китов, серый кит кормится на побережье. Южный гладкий китГладкие киты получили свое название из-за того, что они медленно плавают, когда они мертвы. В течение веков так много было убито, что северный гладкий кит практически вымер. Киты дают потомство раз в 3 или 4 года. Голубой китГолубой кит - самое огромное животное, когда-либо существовавшее. Некоторые весят более 150 тонн. У них огромные рты. Самки начинают спариваться в возрасте 10 лет. Они дают потомство каждые 2 или 3 года. В начале 20 века этих китов было около 200 000, но сейчас осталось только 12 000.
Is this book interesting?
This book is interesting,isn`t it?
Is this book interesting or boring?
What kind of book is this?
My sister goes to school.
Does my sister go to school?
Does my sister or brother go to school?
My sister goes to school,doesn`t she?
Who goes to school?
My friend finished school two years ago.
Did my friend finish school two years ago?
My friend finished school two years ago,didn`t he?
Who finished school two years ago?
Did my friend finish school three or two years ago?