Say why they want to do it my mum buys paints for me . i like to paint . i dont like that house . it has small windows . snakey goes back to the clean . he wants to help his planet . дополни предложения.
My mum buys paints for me becouse I like to paint. I don't like that house becouse it has small windows. Snekey goes back to the Clean becouse he wants to help his planet.
7. I spoke to my friend yesterday. 8. Look! Kate has washed all the dishes. 9. Has your mother returned from work? Can I speak to her? 10. She was doing her flat the whole day on Saturday. 11. The cat has drunk all the milk which I gave it. 12. Have you ever been to Piccadilly Circus? 13. He has not read) Turgenev since he was a pupil. 14. They had reached the river by sunset. 15. I have not yet received an answer to my letter. 16. She is very happy: her son has finished school. 17. My brother was training at the stadium from six till eight yesterday. 18. My sister has bought a pair of nice model shoes this month. 19. I have not danced for ages. 20. When Nick came from school, his friends were playing in the yard. 21. When did your sister go to London? 22. My friend has just recovered after a serious illness. 23. I have never been to the Bahamas. 24. At this time yesterday we were talking about you.
Школа сделала толстовки часть униформы. Ученики в Инвернессе средней Школе теперь есть возможность носить черный балахон, топы подшипник логотип школы после консультаций о том, что они хотели wear.The балахон привлекает негативной информации через свою ассоциацию с молодежной преступности и асоциального поведения. Но школа-сказал заместитель главы вершины выглядел умным и были weekomed родители, а также учащиеся. Кэролайн сказал английский в школе хотели, дресс-код, что ученики будут "покупать". Она добавила: "Мы создали рабочую группу, кто говорил ученикам, и они csme ep с идеей балахон. "Ms-английски сказал ученикам не разрешается хранить их вытяжки в классе.
I don't like that house becouse it has small windows.
Snekey goes back to the Clean becouse he wants to help his planet.