Ancient Rome - one of the leading civilizations of the ancient world, the greatest state of antiquity, got its name from the main town (Roma - Rome), in turn, named after the legendary founder - Romulus. The center of Rome was formed within the Everglades, ogranichennoyKapitoliem, Palatine and Quirinale. Certain influence on the development of Roman civilization had a culture of the Etruscans and the Greeks. Pick your power of Ancient Rome reached in the II century BC. e., when the space was under its control from the north of England today doEfiopii the south and Iran to the east to Portugal in the west. The modern world Ancient Rome gave the Roman law, certain architectural forms and solutions (for example, the arch and the dome) and a host of other innovations (eg, wheeled water mills). Christianity, as a religion, was born on the territory of the Roman Empire. The official language of the Roman state was Latin. Religion for most of the period of existence was polytheistic, the unofficial emblem of the Empire was the golden eagle (aquila), after the adoption of Christianity appeared Labarum (flag, set by the Emperor Constantine for his troops) with chrism (the monogram of Jesus Christ - the crossed letters Chi and Rho).
1. He inquired if they wanted to speak to him. 2. She wondered when they would arrive. 3. Mother asked in surprise if they had already done their homework. 4. George inquired if they were sure that they were doing the right thing. 5. The man asked them when they had been last in the Crimea. 6. He wondered what they were laughing at. 7. The boy asked them why they had been very surprised. 8. He asked them if they were goinf to play football with them that day. 9. She inquired who would help her to do the washing up. 10. Fred asked if they had written the answer to his previous letter.