на языке:
1)я летом на самолёте летал в турцию.
2)я играл в футбол, баскетбол и многое другое.
3)я пробовал много вкусной еды и напитков.
4)я видел много красивых мест.
5)я загарал на пляже.
6)пил вкусный и холодный коктейль.
7)я играл в шашки и домино.
8)я летом плавал в бассейне.
9)я смотрел телевизор и играл на компьютере.
на языке:
1) in the summer, i flew by plane to turkey.
2) i played football, basketball and more.
3) i tried a lot of delicious food and drinks.
4) i have seen many beautiful places.
5) i sunbathed on the beach.
6) i drank a delicious and cold cocktail.
7) i played checkers and dominoes.
8) in the summer, i swam in the pool.
9) i watched tv and played on the computer.
2. There is some milk in the cup.
3. There is an orange in the salad.
4. There are six balls in the box.
5. There is some cheese on the plate.
6. There is a blue chair at the door.
7. There are five chicks and a hen on the farm.
8. There is a table and nine desks in the classroom.
9. There is a big window to the left of the door.
10. There are three rooms in our country house.
11. Are there three cups on the coffee-table?
12. Is there a carpet on the floor?
13. There are no cats in the sitting room.
14. There is a cat on the table.
15. There are 3 dogs in the box
16. There are 4 hens in the house.
17. There is a spot on the table.
18. Is there a bathroom near the kitchen?
19. Are there four rooms in the house?
20. Is there a kitchen under your bedroom?