How old are they? Twelve. Сколько им лет? Двенадцать. Where are they from? Moscow Откуда они? Из Москвы. Have they got a big family? mum,dad and sister Julia У них большая семья? Мама, папа и сестра Джулия. What are they like? a talented sportsman,merry,brave and smart Что в них нравится? Они талантливые спортсмены, очаровательны, храбры и умны. What do they like? sport and travelling Что им нравится? Спорт и путешествия. What are they good at? skateboarding,snowboarding and carting В чём они хороши? В скейтбординге, сноубординге и картинге. What are they famous for? Master ofSports in carting Чем они знамениты? Они - мастера спорта в картинге. What are their dream jobs? a sportsman Кем они хотят работать? Спортсменами.
Диалог 1 1 pupil: What holiday do children in your country like best of all? 2 pupil: New Year, I think.
1 pupil: Do you have any New Year traditions? 2 pupil: Yes, we do. One of them is decorating the New Year tree.
1 pupil: Did you parents buy a New Year tree last year? 2 pupil: Yes, they did. And we were decorating is together all evening. And did you have a New Year party at school last year?
1 pupil: We had a Christmas party. It was a wonderful party. We were dancing all evening.
Диалог 2
1 pupil: What holiday is your number one spring holiday? 2 pupil: I like Easter best
1 pupil: Do you have any Easter traditions? 2 pupil: Yes, we do. One of them is colouring eggs.
1 pupil: Did you help your mum to colour eggs last year? 2 pupil: Yes , I did. we were doing it together all evening. And did your parents hide chocolate eggs in the yard last Easter?
1 pupil: Yes, they did. my sister and I were looking for them all morning.