12 мая мой день рождения шестнадцатого апреля день рождения моей мамы пятнадцатого января день рождения моего отца двадцать первого сентября день рождения моего брата / кузена
Ukraine occupies 603,700 square km in Eastern Europe and is one of the largest countries in the region. Country stretches for 893 km from North to South and for 1316 km from East to West. Magus Ukraine with Russia, Belarus, Moldova, the Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia, Hungary and Romania. In the South it olivastra the Black and Azov seas. Only 5% of the territory is mountainous and the remaining area is plain. On the territory of Ukraine is only part of the ridge of the Carpathian mountains, which are located in neighbouring countries. The largest rivers are the Dnieper, the Dniester, the Buh and Donets. They have different origins, and most of them flows into the Black sea. The largest river Dnieper is a major source of electricity. The country has deposits of coal, oil, iron ore and other minerals that are important in the formation of the base for industrial development.
1.You will be allowed to join the group on condition that you come in time.2.Do it before she introduces herself.3. In case Philipp isn't at home, search for him in the garden.4. As soon as she comes, you will be under the spell of her fascination.5. It will take you half an hour in case of using a subway./ It will take you half an hour in case you go by a subway.6. I will not go anywhere untill he calls.7. In case you go to buy a Vebster dictionary, buy the latest edition.8. As soon as she sees a new interesting book, she will be totally absorbed in it.9. After coming of the librarian , the library will be opened.11. In case she is at home, let me know.12. I will not say a word untill these talkers do not stop chattering.