2. Прочитайте предложения. Определите, в каком времени стоит глагол. Запишите полные предложения и название времени на английском языке. Названия даны ниже.
1 It was raining all day yesterday. past continuous
2 They're going to visit Dublin in the summer. be going to
3 I'm meeting my friends tomorrow. continuous for future
4 He's eaten my lunch! present perfect
5 She wore her new shoes to the party. past simple
6 I'll be very tired after the exams. future with will
7 My dad talks to our neighbour every day. present simple
8 Be quiet! present simple
9 I'm watching TV. present continuous
present perfect present continuous for future present simple be going to past simple future with will past continuous present continuous
2. Прочитайте предложения. Определите, в каком времени стоит глагол. Запишите полные предложения и название времени на английском языке. Названия даны ниже.
1 It was raining all day yesterday. past continuous
2 They're going to visit Dublin in the summer. be going to
3 I'm meeting my friends tomorrow. continuous for future
4 He's eaten my lunch! present perfect
5 She wore her new shoes to the party. past simple
6 I'll be very tired after the exams. future with will
7 My dad talks to our neighbour every day. present simple
8 Be quiet! present simple
9 I'm watching TV. present continuous
present perfect present continuous for future present simple be going to past simple future with will past continuous present continuous
I know that my mother will buy me a new dress. – Я знаю, что моя мама купит мне новое платье.
He said that his brother is a sportsman. – Он сказал, что его брат спортсмен.
I saw a beautiful girl in the street, but I couldn’t get acquainted because of my shyness. – Я увидел красивую девушку на улице, но не смог познакомиться по причине моей застенчивости.