1. In which institution do these engineers - they are working in our facility. 2.Utrom I go into the classroom and sat down at his desk. 3.Vo the lesson we read, we write dictations and exercises and speak in English. 4. This exercise is very dlinnoe.Napishite his house. 5.On what language do you usually speak with your sisters - We usually razgovarivartvaem in Russian. We also speak French. My sisters are studying French. 6. I do not speak in English at home. I speak in English in the English lessons. 7.Not do the first exercise today. Do it at home. 8Vy reading French books - No, I did not learn French. 9.Vashi sisters live in Moscow - No they do not live in Moscow. They live in Leningrad. They work there. 10. What do you do after work - sometimes we go to class. 11. Whose books -? This is my book. This Russian or French books - This Russian book. 12. How do you learn languages? 13.Mnogo Do you write sentences on the blackboard - We usually write 5 or 6 sentences on the board. Sometimes we write 8 sentences on the board. 14.YA live in Leningrad. I uchsu there. Leningrad beautiful city. It is very big. I learn French. I go to evening classes. In class, we usually write a little exercise. We speak French with their teacher. Sometimes we just talk in French after school. 15. Where do you live - I live in Moscow, in the center of goroda.- you learn and work - Yes, I'm learning and rabotayu.- you learn English? Where do you learn English - In his uchrezhdenii.- When you go to class -Vecherom.- What do you usually do during lessons -? We study grammar, do exercises, read and talk. Вот,держи..
1. Open the books, find the 8th page and read the text. 2. Where do you go every day? 3. What does your students usually read? 4.Sit down at the table, take the books, pens and notebooks and write down text number five. 5.-Dо his friends read english books? -Yes. 6. Don't close the books, read the text number four. 7. These pioneers come here every day. 8. My sisters don't deliver me books and newspapers. 9. -Which tests do you usually write home? -We write new texts. 10. -Which film is it? -It is a good film. 11. Which newspapers do your students read? 12. -Do this workers take books from here? -Yes. 13. These engeneers go here rarely. 14. Where do you usually go in the evening? 15. Do you often meet these engeneers?
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