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1)ann her letter at 6 o’clock in the evening. * a)still wrote b)was writing c)still writes d)will still write 2)can you stay here till i to her? * a)shall speak b)speaks c)speak d)am speaking 3)we know that she busy next saturday. * a)would be b)will be c)had been d)were 4)father told us that she tickets the day before. * a)bought b)has bought c)was buying d)had bought 5)i can’t walk any i’m exhausted. * a)farther b)further c)far d)farthest 6)do you know when she free? * a)are b)been c)will be d)were 7)where is my umbrella? – you left it on the bus. * a)may have b)could c)should have d)might 8)he didn’t like fun of. * a)being made b)making c)having made d)make 9)the house is on fire. – good heavens! i the fire – brigade immediately. * a)shall call b)am going to call c)was going to call d)am calling 10)i asked who this book by. * a)was written b)wrote c)had been written d)is written 11)if you had consulted dr. burns earlier, you ill now. * a)will be b)wouldn’t be c)won’t be d)wouldn’t have been. 12)how do you know this? - the experience. * a)by b)at c)in d)with 13)we are happy our holidays in the village now. * a)to spend b)to be spending c)to have spent d)to have been spent in the company for many years, he knew everyone and everything. * a)working b)worked c)being worked d)having worked you mind passing me the vinegar bottle? * a)will b)could c)might d)would 16)i was still hungry in spite of several sandwiches. * a)being eaten b)eating c)having eaten d)having been eaten 17)my sister asked me where i * a)am going b)has gone c)will be going d)had gone 18)there are very many mistakes in your exercise. you should do it * a)carefully b)more carefully c)most carefully d)the most carefully 19)i wish you leave now. can’t you stay longer? * a)don’t b)don’t have c)didn’t have to d)wouldn’t have to 20)oh, i’m pleased you back. * a)having seen b)to see c)seeing d)being seen through the book, he came across an interesting story. * a)being looked b)when looking c)looked d)having been looked 22)don’t worry, our purchase on time. * a)will be delivering b)will been delivered c)will deliver d)will be delivered 23)jim last week. * a)weren’t seen b)wasn’t seeing c)wasn’t seen d)wasn’t been seen 24)i’m not supposed to do, this is my duties. * a)above b)in c)of d)over we get up, the sooner we’ll leave. * a)the earliest b)the earlier c)earliest d)earlier 26)why haven’t you brought me to read? * a)something b)anything c)nothing d)every 27)that interview appeared i have ever had. * a)the challengest b)most challenge c)the most challenging d)more challenging 28)don’t speak so i cannot understand anything. * a)faster b)fastly c)fast d)fastest 29)mumps a common illness among children. * a)is b)are c)has d)have 30)i read about a murder in this newspaper. * a)mornings b)morning c)mornings’ d)morning’s 31)everybody is to know that to keep in a bank is than at home. * a)the safest b)safer c)safest d)safe 32)he got married but marriage wasn’t successful. * a)a b)an c)the d)– 33)because sam and michelle had done all of the work they were unwilling to give up the results to peter. * a)theirselves b)themselfs c)theirselfs d)themselves 34)sally in his house for a year. * a)has lived b)lives c)had lived d)lived 35)it snowed a lot last winter but it so far this winter. * a)doesn’t snow b)isn’t snowing c)hasn’t snowed d)hadn’t snowed 36)by the time we got to the theatre the first act * a)has already begun b)had already begun c)began d)was beginning 37)he started a small advertising agency after he from the military service. * a)had retired b)was retiring c)has retired d)retired 38)i hope susan and andrew this unpleasant episode by the time they meet again. * a)will have forgotten b)will forget c)will be forgetting d)would have forgotten women are often better teachers than men * - b)the, the c)a, - d)a. the 40)the city with its suburbs a population of over two million. * a)has b)have c)is d)are

1) b)Was writing
2) c)Speak
3) b)Will be
4) d)Had bought
5) a)Farther
6) c)Will be
7) a)May have
8) a)Being made
9) a)Shall call
10) c)Had been written
11) b)Wouldn’t be
12) a)By
13) b)To be spending
14) d)Having worked
15) d)Would
16) c)Having eaten
17) d)Had gone
18) b)More carefully
19) c)Didn’t have to
20) b)To see
21) b)When looking
22) b)Will been delivered
23) c)Wasn’t seen
24) a)Above
25) b)The earlier
26) a)Something
27) c)The most challenging
28) c)Fast
29) a)Is
30) d)Morning’s
31) b)Safer
32) c)The
33) d)Themselves
34) a)Has lived
35) c)Hasn’t snowed
36) b)Had already begun
37) a)Had retired
38) a)Will have forgotten
39) a)-, -
40) a)Has
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Дорогой Кевин,

Я была рада, когда получила твоё письмо. Прости, что долго не писала, с моим компьютером были проблемы.Но сейчас я его починила и могу тебе ответить.

Как только я узнала, что ты попал в больницу я очень переживала. Но я верила, что всё будет хорошо. И я вместе с тобой радуюсь твоему возвращению домой.

Если честно, то я никогда не оказывалась в такой ситуации, но понимаю как тебе сейчас сложно. Дам пару советов, которые тебе

1) Побольше гулять. Свежий воздух это всегда хорошо. Он тебе быстро поправиться. С каждым разом старайся увеличивать время прогулки от 30 минут до 3 часов.

2) Ешь больше фруктов. Они придадут тебе сил и энергии для прогулок. Так же ты будешь реже болеть, ведь в фруктах имеются витамины!

Знаешь, я вспомнила свою сестру. Ведь она  тоже лежала в больнице. А после не могла оправиться. Ежедневные прогулки, зарядка и витамины сделали своё дело. Так, что не расстраивайся! Ты быстро придёшь в норму.

А насчёт советов, то ты можешь пообщаться с моей сестрой. Или же поискать в интернете. Думаю там найдутся люди с похожей проблемой!

Ладно, мне пора! Я забыла сделать домашнее задание по литературе. Напиши мне мне позже.

С наилучшими пожеланиями,

(Ваше имя

4,7(11 оценок)
My ideal school.
I think in an ideal school lessons should be fun and they must entertaining. But I understand that teachers should be strict. An ideal school should be comfortable. The desks must be tilted to be convenient to write on. In an ideal school children must be albe to choose additional subjects, such as Astronomy, Art, etc. Lessons should begin at 9:30 am and last for 40 minutes. But there must be only those children with a wish to learn and their lessons should be fascinating. In an ideal school the wel-behaved pupils should be praised and awarded prizes. Such is my ideal school.
4,4(23 оценок)
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