1. Mary is my best friend. 2. There are three fountains in the park. 3. My mum and I am often in the garden in summer. We love it. 4. I am the only child. I have two sisters . 5. The Wilsons are our neighbours. 6. This dress is too big for you. Try on a smaller size. 7. Mrs. Richards is my music teacher, Mr. Scott isn’t. 8. These boys are sometimes naughty. They play tricks on people 9. We are at the cinema right now, but we don’t like the film very much. 10. I am never bored .
Answer the questions.
1. Where are you at the moment? I am at home.
2. How old is your mum? My mother is years old
3. Is your bedroom big or small? My bedroom is big.
4. Are your parents at home now? Yes, they are.
5. Where is your favourite toy right now? On the shelf.
6. How many rooms are there in your house? There are 5 rooms in my house.
7. Are you hungry? Yes, I am.
I am You are He She is It We You are They I am not You are not He She is not It We You are not They Am I ? Are you ? he ? Is she ? it ? we ? Are you ? they ? Choose the correct answer.
1. Sally is in her room now, she is not in the bathroom. a) is / isn’t b) isn’t / is c) isn’t / are
2. Luke and Helen aren’t cousins. a) isn’t b) am c) aren’t
3. Pam and I am best friends. a) are b) am not c) am
4. Jack is Mr. Lawson’s grandson. a) is b) are c) am
5. We are friendly and helpful. Everybody likes us. a) is b) aren’t c) are Correct mistakes.
1. There is five lamps in the classroom. Yes, there is.
2. My dad and I am both tall. No, we are not.
3. The postcard are from Greece. Yes, it is.
4. Where is the Morgans? Is at home.
Rewrite using the short forms.
1. The dogs are not very tired. No, they are not.
2. I am optimistic and outgoing. Yes, I am.
3. He is never moody. No, he is not.
4. My mum is not a dentist. No, she is not.
5. We are often at work till late. Yes, we often are.
Ponme como mejor respuesta, por favor.
Задание 1
Прослушайте интервью и решите, какой ответ правильный: a, b или c.
1. Джордж живет в
б Нью-Йорк.
c Осина.
2. Джордж идет в студию мимо
б автомобиль.
c такси.
3. В Актерском клубе он
играет в компьютерные игры.
б играет в баскетбол.
c идет плавать.
4. Джордж обычно уезжает в отпуск.
б в феврале.
c зимой.
5. Любимый вид спорта Джорджа -
бег трусцой.
б катание на лыжах.
c плаванием.
Задача 2
Прослушайте интервью еще раз и решите, верны ли утверждения (T) или нет (F).
1 В Нью-Йорке Джордж встает в 8.15.
2 Он встречает своих друзей в Центральном парке.
3 Георгий работает вечером.
4 Его друзья называют его ленивым.
5 Он катается на лыжах в Аспене.
Zadaniye 1
Proslushayte interv'yu i reshite, kakoy otvet pravil'nyy: a, b ili c.
1. Dzhordzh zhivet v
b N'yu-York.
c Osina.
2. Dzhordzh idet v studiyu mimo
b avtomobil'.
c taksi.
3. V Akterskom klube on
igrayet v komp'yuternyye igry.
b igrayet v basketbol.
c idet plavat'.
4. Dzhordzh obychno uyezzhayet v otpusk.
b v fevrale.
c zimoy.
5. Lyubimyy vid sporta Dzhordzha -
beg trustsoy.
b kataniye na lyzhakh.
c plavaniyem.
Zadacha 2
Proslushayte interv'yu yeshche raz i reshite, verny li utverzhdeniya (T) ili net (F).
1 V N'yu-Yorke Dzhordzh vstayet v 8.15.
2 On vstrechayet svoikh druzey v Tsentral'nom parke.
3 Georgiy rabotayet vecherom.
4 Yego druz'ya nazyvayut yego lenivym.
5 On katayetsya na lyzhakh v Aspene.
3. Питер Пэн любит загадывать загадки. О каком животном эта загадка?
It is big. It is black and yellow. It is brave and evil.
It can climb and jump.
It can run and swim very well.
It can’t play games. Too bad!
It is a tiger.