1 i will do morning exercises
I won't do morning exercises
Will i do morning exercises ?
2he will work at a factory
He won't work at a factory
Will he work at a factory ?
3 she will sleep after dinner
She won't sleep after dinner
Will she sleep after dinner?
4 we will work, we won't work after dinner
Will we work after dinner?
5 they will drink, they won't drink tea every day
Will they drink tea every day
6Mike will be, Mike won't be a student
Will Mike be a student?
7 Helen will have,Helen won't have a car
Will Helen have a car
8 you will be, you won't be a good friend
Will you be a good friend
9you will be, wont be good friends
Will you be good friends
10 it will be, it wont be difficult to remember everything
Will it be difficult to remember everything
When it was already quite light, he quickly glanced at his watch, it was quarter to a quarter in order to catch the train at 8, to catch a cold shower and drink tea with delicious sandwiches, he was in a hurry to catch the train at 8:00 in the morning at the station he I met three more guys from my group, they all have small backpacks and fishing rods in less than an hour they got off the train at the smilie station near the forest, they walked very quickly and soon found themselves on the shore of a large lake, the boys spent the whole day fishing there, boating and swimming they came home late tired but happy
Yes, please. Could I have some apple juice?
What would you like to eat?
I*d like a cheese and tomato sandwich, please.