1) A camera d) to take photographs
2) A microwave oven e) to cook, defrost, reheat pre-prepared food
3) A mobile telephone f) to receive or make calls around the home, etc.
4) An electronic game l) to have fun and o entertain
5) A video recorder/player j) to watch pre-recorded videos
6) A TV set k) to record a programme even when watching another on a different channel
7) A vacuum cleaner j) to perform everyday cleaning tasks from vacuuming to cleaning up liquids, dust and waste, and shampooing carpets.
8) A videophone f) to receive or make calls around the home, etc.
9) A cordless phone f) to receive or make calls around the home, etc.
10) A talking alarm clock i) to wake up people and to tell the time
11) A sewing machine h) to sew, do embroidery (вышивать),and appliqué and sew on buttons
12) A computer o) to write programs, play games, find and use information, etc.
13) A solar powered calculator p) to do calculations in sunlight or daylight
14) A TV remote - control unit n) to operate the TV set from a distance
15) A mower a) to cut and collect the grass
16) A body building machine b) to build up one‘s strength
17) A fax machine m) to send and receive urgent messages
18) Roller – skates l) to have fun and o entertain
19) A dishwasher c) to wash the dishes