1. "My corporation became bankrupt and its stock is no value anymore", she said.
2. "Would you like to take my pen?" I asked her. "No, thanx", she said.
3. "Are you going to calculate the indirect costs?" he asked.
4. "I hope, you won't be offended if I tell you will do better in some other kind of job", said my employer.
5. "How long did it take you to complete the job?" he asked.
6. "Did you buy a guidebook to London?" I asked.
7. "What are you discussing?" he asked.
8."Will you solve that problem at the meeting?", I wondered.
9. "Please, accept my resignation", he asked the manager.
10. "When will you be in Kyiv?" she asked.
11. "The company must pay all its debts before 1 September!" ordered the court.
12. "When the new training program will be presented?" he asked.
13."Where did you hold the conference last year?" she asked.
14. "Have you got a car?" Helen asked Tom.
15. "If you attend the conference next week, you will hear my new theory about classification of the costs", he promised her.
16. " I don't understand how you manage on your salary?" he asked.
в ответах не уверен
1. Учиться. My daddy studied on teacher
2. Выпускной. My brother comed on graduate
3. Ученица. Pupil from our class writes test
4. secondary school. Im passing to secondary school
5. государственная школа. my brother learning in state school
6. Четверть, семестр. im have cool rating on semester
7. (туь вообще не уверен) пересматривать. im revise my school journal
8. провалить. im failed this school test
9. выборочный (с выбором типо). im take optional variant homework.
10. форма. im take school uniform to school.
Повторяюсь. в ответах не уверен
2) must
3) should
Перевод :
1. Углерод следует классифицировать наряду с водородом и кислородом как один из важнейших элементов для человека.
2. Если химикаты пролиты или капнули на кожу, их необходимо немедленно смыть водой.
3. Учащиеся никогда не должны играть с химикатами , когда происходит их замешивание.