Health - diyalnostiderzhavy industry whose purpose is to organize and provide affordable population. Ohoronazdorov'ya - a key elementnatsionalnoyi security. Writ medytsynaZemska medytsynaMiska medicine
Department of Health Regional State Administration is executive body that ensures the implementation of the state policy in the field of health, and is responsible for the state and the industry.
The main objectives of management are:
Development of reasonable proposals for the implementation of state policy in the field of health; Coordination and control of public health programs, including disease prevention, provision of health care;
The smartphone Nowadays smartphones define the way people connect to the rest of the world. How did it start? On the 16th of August 1994, IBM released a personal communicator, which became the modern smartphone. It was capable of making phone calls, faxing, text messaging and emailing. It was a prized possession because this device also included a touch screen. It had a clock, calendar and some games. But this wonderful device was just too advanced for its time. The market was not yet ready for such a technological innovation. Faster networks, browsers and applications were needed to release its full potential. In 2000, Ericsson was the first to introduce the word “smartphone” for its amazing R380 mobile phone. . This device was a modification of a lightweight flip phone. The magazine Popular Science called the Ericsson R380 smartphone one of the most important achievement in science and technology.