in my life, art is the most. I think life without it is not meaningless. Everything will be gray and dull. The world simply can not exist without music, movies, books ... Many people lose their jobs. Art is their life. Without books and music, I do not imagine my life and the life of the world. Everyone enjoys something. I have been dancing and drawing, it is my hobby. It is difficult to remove from my life. Everyone has something without which he can not imagine his life, many of the art вот как бы
in my life, art is the most. I think life without it is not meaningless. Everything will be gray and dull. The world simply can not exist without music, movies, books ... Many people lose their jobs. Art is their life. Without books and music, I do not imagine my life and the life of the world. Everyone enjoys something. I have been dancing and drawing, it is my hobby. It is difficult to remove from my life. Everyone has something without which he can not imagine his life, many of the art вот как бы
2.-в 10 часов-at 10 o'clock.
3.-пиццу-they cooked a pizza
4.-вечер-It was a wonderful evening!