14:17 -26 Все 37% Написание 10 Представьте, что вы видели это объявление в газете внизу. Напишите приглашение своему англоговорящему другу Сэму. Не забудьте указать: • какое мероприятие • дату, время и место • любые инструкции (что Сэм должен принести, надеть и т. Д.) ЭКСТРЕМАЛЬНЫЕ СОРЕВНОВАНИЯ! Вы любите каякинг, пейнтбол, спортивное ориентирование или катание на квадроциклах? Приезжайте в Denby Park Estate 2 мая. Мы проводим соревнования по каждому из этих экстремальных видов спорта. Будьте готовы к полному приключений дню. Приходите в 9 утра. Оставайтесь допоздна! Отличные призы для победителей каждого конкурса!
1 Last year I went to Paris and Rome. I liked both cities very much.
2 There were two pictures on the wall. I didn't like either of them.
3 It was a good football match. Both teams played well.
4 It wasn't a good football match. Neither team played well.
5 'Is your friend English or American? Neither. She's Australian.
6 We went away for two days, but the weather wasn't good. It rained both days.
7 A: I bought two newspapers. Which one do you want?
B: Either. It doesn't matter which one.
8 I invited Donna and Mike to the party, but neither of them came.
9 'Do you go to work by car or by bus? Neither. I always walk.
10 'Which jacket do you prefer, this one or that one?' 'I don't like either of them.
11 'Do you work or are you a student?' 'Both. I work and I'm a student too.'
12 Paula and I didn't know the time because neither of us had a watch.
13 Helen has got two sisters and a brother. Both sisters are married.
14 Helen has got two sisters and a brother. I've met her brother, but I haven't met either of her sisters.
He was strong, courageous, manly. He never left someone in trouble. He was clever, kind and friendly. Ilya Muromets was ready to give his life for the righteous cause. He was Russian; he was fair-haired and blue-eyed.