The document says that adolescents "who have received a general education and have reached the age of 15 can conclude an employment contract to perform light work that does not harm their health." Also, an employment contract can be concluded by adolescents from the age of 15 who left the general education organization before receiving basic general education or who were expelled from the said organization and continue to receive general education in another form of education. "It is noted that for those who are studying, work should not interfere educational.Previously, it was possible to conclude an employment contract with a teenager only for the time free from school. The rules for the employment of those who completed their studies or were expelled were not spelled out by law.Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a federal law amended to the Labor Code, which allows teenagers from the age of 15 to work under an employment contract.
The document is posted on the official portal of legal information.
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The document says that adolescents "who have received a general education and have reached the age of 15 can conclude an employment contract to perform light work that does not harm their health." Also, an employment contract can be concluded by adolescents from the age of 15 who left the general education organization before receiving basic general education or who were expelled from the said organization and continue to receive general education in another form of education. "It is noted that for those who are studying, work should not interfere educational.Previously, it was possible to conclude an employment contract with a teenager only for the time free from school. The rules for the employment of those who completed their studies or were expelled were not spelled out by law.Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a federal law amended to the Labor Code, which allows teenagers from the age of 15 to work under an employment contract.
The document is posted on the official portal of legal information.
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The history of Belgorod, the year of Foundation of the city, attractions, hotels, entertainment, reviews guests.The city of Belgorod was founded by decree of Tsar Fedor Ioannovich as a fortress in the sixteenth century, in 1593, to protect the southern borders of the Russian state from the raids of Crimean Tatars. Simultaneously with the Belgorod was founded such cities as Valaika, Oskol, and others. Starting from 1600 and throughout the seventeenth century, the Tatars attacked the city over a dozen times, but in the year 1600 of their RAID was successfully reflected by the warlord Ivan Tatevik. Another VICTORY over the Tartars were won by Belgorod in 1623, in the battle that occurred on the river Kalani. Then the Tartars were repulsed by the Russians in the following, 1624, but they did not abandon attempts to capture Belgorod, the result was defeated in 1625 the red river. перевод История Белгорода
История Белгорода, год основания города, достопримечательности, гостиницы, развлечения, отзывы гостей города.Город Белгород был основан по указу царя Фёдора Иоанновича как крепость в шестнадцатом веке, в 1593 году, для защиты южных границ Российского государства от набегов крымских татар. Одновременно с Белгородом были основаны такие города как Валуйка, Оскол и другие. Начиная с 1600 года и на протяжении всего семнадцатого века татары нападали на Белгород более десятка раз, но в 1600 году их набег был успешно отражён воеводой Иваном Татевым. Другая ПОБЕДА над татарами была одержана белгородцами в 1623 году, в битве, случившейся на реке Халани. Затем татары были отбиты русскими в следующем, 1624 году, но они не бросали попытки захватить Белгород, в результате чего были разбиты в 1625 году на реке Красной.