1)After breakfast Tiny does his homework. -After breakfast Tiny does not do his homework. He leaves his house and goes to school
2)Tiny has lunch at half past two.-Tiny doesn*t have lunch at half past two. He has lunch at 2 sharp.Tiny watches TV at half past two
3)After lunch Tine plays the piano.-After lunch TinY does not play the piano.-After lunch Tine plays COMPUTER GAMES.
4)His friends visit him in the afternoon. -His friends don*t visit him in the afternoon. His friends visit him in the evening.
2) She says she will be home after 5'o clock .
3) She says she can't hear them. She says she the noise of the helicopter is very loud.
4) She says she will speak louder .
5) She says she saw "Manchester United " players a week ago in their town.
6) She says she can't believe it. She says she dreams of it.