Complete the sentences with the correct form (-ing or infinitive) of the verbs in brackets.
2. She usually avoids EATING junk food.
3. Mike hopes TO GET a job in France.
4. Last year they chose TO GO on a cruise.
5. He always seems TO FIND the best hotel.
6. Can you imagine LIVING on a boat?
2. Underline the correct alternative.
1. HAVE you ever made the wrong decision?
2. Trainers are not allowed in most British schools. Students MUSTN'T wear them.
3. We WERE eating in a restaurant when we HEARD the news.
4. They HAVE STAYED in the same hotel every year SINCE 1987.
5. You DON'T HAVE TO come with us. You can stay at home.
6. I don’t think we WILLsee you tomorrow. We have booked a sightseeing trip.
7. He HASN'T VISITED us FOR more than two years.
8. While I WAS WALKING home last night, it started to rain.
9. MAYI close the window? It’s a bit cold.
3. Complete the sentences with the words in the box.
2. We DON'T HAVE TO book tickets. They’ll be lots of spaces for the classical concert – there always are.
3. I don’t think she WILL come tonight. She said she was feeling tired.
4. You MUST come to all your classes on time. It’s very important for your education.
5. I’m sorry but you CAN'T park your car here. These spaces are for staff not visitors.
6. He MIGHT not join us later. He’s not sure.
4. Cross out the wrong word in each group.
1. go to home
2. Do a decision
3. Make a project
4. study a test
5. have sick
6. take a cough
5. Complete the words for the definitions.
2. This shows streets and places. It is useful for finding out where you are and where to go.
3. Things you buy to remind you of your holiday
4. You put your clothes in this when you travel.
5. Someone who travels for fun, i.e. on holiday.
6. These help you to see things which are far away.
7. You can take these when you have a headache.
8. You can buy this from a pharmacy. It helps you get better when you are ill.
9. Plants that we eat as part of a healthy diet.
10. This helps you stay awake and is found in coffee.
11. This is the part of the meal after the main course. It is often sweet.
6. Match 1–7 with a)–g).
1. Take these B
2. Go to bed and get E
3. You have a very A
4. Jo has caught a G
5. Did you go to C
6. How did you break D
7. Simon has got G
7. Complete the words related to health.
1. My dentist says fizzy drinks are bad for teeth.
2. Is there more CAFFEINE in tea or coffee?
3. We can get VITAMIN D from the sun.
4. He is very healthy and never eats JUNK FOOD.
5. I want to get fit so I’m going to go to some C EXERCISES at the leisure centre.
6. She stopped drinking ALCOHOL for a year.
7. STRESS from too much work or worrying can be very dangerous to your health.
8. Sam finds yoga RELAXING and does it every morning for an hour to feel calm.
9. Martina started RUNNING a year ago and wants to enter her first half-marathon in the summer.
10. I always eat lots of FRESH fruit and vegetables.
8 Complete the conversation with the words in the box.
can’t; how long; hurts; neck; painful; painkillers; since; so; take them;
what’s the; worried.
A: Hello, I’m Dr Simpson. What’s the matter? (Пример)
B: Hello, Doctor. I’ve got a sore NECK and my wrist HURTS. It’s very PAINFUL.
A: HOW LONG have you had this problem?
B: SINCE about a month ago. I CAN’T sleep very well.
A: Are you WORRIED about anything?
B: No, but I’m working on the computer a lot.
A: So that’s probably the reason.
B: Yes, I think SO.
A: Right. It’s nothing to worry about. I’ll give you some PAINKILLERS. They’ll help you sleep, too. TAKE THEM for two weeks, then come and see me again.
B: Thank you, Doctor.