I believe it's stupid for a teenager to identify himself with a particular political party. I realised that a month ago when I had a talk with a schoolmate who wanted to identify me as either a democrat or a communist - a friend or an enemy. I said I was neither but he got annoyed. We couldn't understand each other. Гll be 18 soon and then 'll have to vote for a political party. But I don't feel I'm prepared to make such a choice. I think I'll need some time to еxplore and keep an oрen mind because I really want to be free. I'd like to be a spectator of it all rather than playing on one team or another. I want to see the whole arena and then find out for myself which team is better for me.
There is some sand in my shoe.
There is a five pound note in my wallet.
There is some juice in the cupboard.
There is some butter in the fridge.
There is some peanut butter on the worktop.
There is a radio in the kitchen.
There is a toothbrush in the bathroom.
There is some jam in the cupboard.
There is a magazine in the living room.
There is a queue at the post office.
There is some luggage in the car.
There is a suitcase in the bedroom.
There is some flour in the cupboard.
There is some sugar in your tea.
There is some bicycle outside.
She takes pleasure in seeing horror films.
That factory manufactures toys.
If you are a student, behave as such.
May I borrow your knife?
You have to create problems to create profit.
I can't decide which car to buy.
Imagine yourself in her place.
Leave it to me.
Health is more important than money.
Guys like you always think other people get lucky.