John Davies, the 51-year-old electrician living in Hampshire - won a lottery already for the second time. It used the same numbers, as in the first lottery. These numbers: 15, 16, 18, 28, 36, 49-the coincided results. Last Sunday it checked numbers in the second lottery and after that I was madly glad!! Prize of this lottery of £194,502. John began to make plans: to have a rest for new year and a stomach on the island in Tunisia. There he bought the house, thanks to a prize in the first lottery. John speaks, - "I, I will store the numbers...". And he believes that there is nothing impossible! John still has a wife Helen and two teenagers Dominique and Daniel.
1. was/were 2. does. 3. Почва подготавливается для посева семян. 4. made. 5. produced. 6. providing - предоставивший 7. development - гл слово. Развитие водных ресурсов. 8. Пшеница, как известно, принадлежит к семейству злаковых. 9. will bring 10. Present Simple (настоящее время время) - was. 11. Present Simple (настоящее время время) - were. 12. Защита природы. 13. Подлежащее, наречие частотности, сказуемое, дополнение, обстоятельство. 14. Has to - это модальный глагол в данном предложении, составное глагольное сказуемое. Ему пришлось прочитать эту книгу. 15. installed 16. удобрять азотом.
18. Their government always pays much attention to the social programs.