У русских в рационе широко распространены супы, в особенности борщи и щи. На завтрак большинство россиян едят кашу или бутерброды с чем-либо. Традиционная русская еда включает в себя: блины, супы, пельмени и пироги. Широко распространены и хлопья. Салаты русские готовят чаще по праздникам, нежели в обычные дни. Так же со времен пельменей, блинов и прочих мучных (или не полностью мучных) изделий появились вареники. В России на праздники часто готовят бутерброды с икрой. В обычные же дни русские делают это редко. Пироги русские часто делают с фруктами, ягодами или овощами. Однако, есть те, кто предпочитают начинку из яиц, семечек или мяса.
They would often play chess in the evening. My father older then my mother by 5 years. They have three children. My mother is forty years old. Tomorrow from 8 to 9 I will call you. By end of this year I read 2 books in English. When he arrived at the station the train had already left. When I came home , my mom was making dinner. He showed you yesterday its a new picture? She writes a letter to her friend. They are building a house since last year. They just came home. Your sister has children? I'll be here tomorrow. What did you do yesterday? I didn't know he speaks English very well. English is spoken people all over the world. English is very popular . Work will not be completed by September Where's the letter? It was sent. I didn't know that he's gone to the movies. They told us that going to the library. I thought you had left England. She said she would be happy to see us again. We had hoped that he was home.