1) Does she understand me? – Yes, she does \ No, she doesn’t
2) Did John live abroad last year? – Yes, he did \ No, he didn’t
3) Are they married? – Yes, they are \ No, they aren’t
4) Was he at home when you came? – Yes, he was \ No, he wasn’t
5) Is Linda working at the moment? – Yes, she is \ No, she isn’t
6) Have you already baught a new shirt? – Yes, I have \ No, I haven’t
7) Do you work hard? – Yes, I do \ No, I don’t
8) Is your daughter wearing a red dress? – Yes, she is \ No, she isn’t
9) Are they always late? – Yes, they are \ No, they aren’t
10) Will your wife cook this cake on Monday again? – Yes, she will \ No, she won’t
11) Was her sister slim in childhood? – Yes, she was \ No, she wasn’t
12) Did they meet two hours ago? – Yes, they did \ No, they didn’t
Если не то извините я написала что знала
1) was lying
2) went
3) arrived
4) saw
5) were having
6) got
7) was working
8) knew
9) bought, were fitting
10) did you park
11) were waiting
12) looked, was sleeping
13) went
14) met, came
15) were you doing, was trying
16) had found, went, turned
17) said, was
18) arrived, wasn't be, was studying
19) called, weren't be, was working
20) was watching, went
21) was, didn't hear, wasn't listening
22) called, was thinking
23) was crossing, hit
24) rescued, was
25) had lived, was living
26) woke (up), was snowing