We must learn English for ourselves. For example we can travel or work in other country. Also people can learn English for self-education. If I'll come to the USA I'll can to speak with each other and understand people. Also if I will work in other country, for example I'll be a waiter, I'll can understand my customers.We will be able to make new friends with knowledge of English. From the USA, Italy, Spain, France and each other. I can move to other country. It's a beautiful life in the USA, Spain, France and others. I'll can to see my favorite idol and to talk with him. I'll can to have my order in the restaurant. I'll can to buy a ticket for a bus. I'll can to talk with somebody. English is a beautiful language.
Вроде все правильно
present continuous
I am reading a book – Я читаю книгу (сейчас).
Don't make a noise, Mary is working – Не шумите, Мария работает.
She is always interrupting me – Она постоянно меня перебивает.
My sister is having her hair cut at the moment – В данный момент моя сестра стрижется.
I'm watching a movie at the moment – В данный момент я смотрю фильм
She works in a hospita lОна работает в больнице.
2 They prefer pop-music. Они предпочитают поп-музыку
3He speaks Japanese and Spanish. Он говорит на японском и испанском языках
4We have 2 apples and 4 oranges. У нас есть 2 яблока и 4 апельсина
5She gets up at 6 o'clock in the morning. Она встает в 6 часов утра