1.would my father give you advicel?
2.would my colleagues lose a lot of time at the shopping?
3.would my uncle glad to see my friends in the country?
4.would my colleague bring a fresh newspaper to you ?
5.would children some new english songs at school ?
6.would the weather the day after tomorrow in moscow wonderful too ?
7.would i hear in some years a lot about that lawyer?
8.would people in our country speak about his new book?
9.would our colleges understand that we are right ?
10.would they finally see mistakes in their programm ?
anya asked how many children will stay in moscow
the students asked when the winter session would begin.
they said they would do it on time.
he asked if we would have a new year's eve
mom asked what subjects we will teach next year
they asked when i show them the city.
she said she would work at school next year.
he said he was never there
he said he was there last week.
she said she saw them yesterday at the park.
she said she saw them many times.
i said i already called him
i said i called him an hour ago.
mom said she was very busy today
mom said she was visiting yesterday
1 She cleans windows every month
Does she clean windows every month? - она моет окна каждый месяц?
Does she clean windows or doors every month? - она моет окна или двери каждый месяц?
What does she clean every month? - что она моет каждый месяц?
She cleans windows every month, doesn’t she? – она моет окна каждый месяц, не так ли?
Who cleans windows every month? – кто моет окна каждый месяц?
2 They learnt the words yesterday (здесь глагол learn должен стоять в времени learnt)
Did they learn the words yesterday? – они выучили слова вчера?
Did they learn the words or the text yesterday? – они выучили слова или текст вчера?
What did they learn yesterday? – что они выучили вчера?
They learnt the words yesterday, didn’t they? – они выучили слова вчера, не так ли?
Who learnt the words yesterday? – кто выучил слова вчера?
3 They will meet him at the static (здесь что за слово static – это не существительное, возможно здесь имеется в виду слово station – станция)
Will they meet him at the station? – они встретят его на станции?
Will they meet him at the station or in the park? – Они встретят его на станции или в парке?
Where will they meet him? – где они его встретят?
They will meet him at the station, won’t they? – они встретят его на станции, не так ли?
Who will meet him at the station? – кто его встретит на станции?